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My Friend Same

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Posts posted by My Friend Same

  1. Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

    The curfew is there to protect Bangkok and it's citizens - people like you and me.

    The less people there are on the streets - the easier it is to distinguish between troublemakers with bad intentions and innocents.

    So keeping us innocent bystanders inside will keep us safe and make the job of clearing up the troublemakers quicker and easier.

    And then hopefully normality can return quickly and we can all stay out all night long again until the sun rises :)

    yes but you see he dont get that. he has a learning disability; he was dropped on his head from the 2nd floor when he was an hour old. he did survive the drop but that's about it. Thank you though for trying to point out the common sense of the curfew. u r a noble man

  2. Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

    yeah, just what the soldiers need is jackasses out and about during the curfew.

    I went to the end of the Soi looked around and went back. I was not the only one out, and please refrain from the personal abuse. You don't know the first thing about me. FYI, there were no soldiers where I live...

    What I do know is that u have a lot in common with the reds if you're out during the curfew. You and they dont do a whole lotta thinking

  3. I read in the New York Times that the four leaders who surrendered yesterday, before the greatest unrest and the fires, at the speaking platform inside the Red Shirts area pleaded with those there to just give up that day and to pick up later on, that they could carry on this struggle later on. However, the crowd booed them! The leaders then left to be tried for treason. I really do not believe that, in the hearts of those who lead these demonstrations, they were at all intent on violence; they wanted to peacefully achieve something that the crowd really wants: liberty, equality and fraternity, not the "peace and bread" offerred by the Bolsheviks before the 1917 Revolution. I am sure that these people really care more about Thailand and the future of Thailand than people here seem to give credit. Why are so many here not interested in the deeper ideas behind the protests of the Red Shirts? Is it that you have a "position" here that is comfortable and, of course, with a higher economic level than most Thais will ever enjoy and you are afraid to lose it? Is it that you are carrying with you a certain sense that you are of some higher class or ethnicity than most Thais?

    When I move to Thailand in 2011, I know that I will be a guest there. I will act as a guest. I will, most certainly, develop friendships there as well with people of many "classes" as well. I would hope that we could discuss things that are happening in Thai social, political, economic and cultural areas openly and that they can educate ME. I will certainly not be there to dictate what the people want, need or do. When I was there for a month on Phuket, I was fortunate to make friends there and to be able, to this day, to ask questions honestly and to discuss them freely (of course there are some things forbidden and I will not go there with them at all as I respect that as a matter of course). As a "farang" myself, I will never stand in judgement of the actions of any group in Thailand for it is, most certainly, not my "place." Fortunately, you have this forum to talk in and to say as you please to the same extent as I have.

    Please, tell me, politically, socially and economically, where the Red Shirts are "off base" here! Also, what are the goods as well as the negatives of BOTH the Red Shirts AND the Yellow Shirts. What are, as you see it, the platforms of each group and how do they mesh or not mesh with the current Thai political, social and economic structure. What are the "classes" in Thai society? Where are you in terms of this heirarchy?

    Thank you so much. You may email me directly, if you wish to establish a dialog over time, at anyse1@*****.com.

    Take care. Hopefully, for now, this is settled. However, I am sure that this entire thing will be revisited in the not-too-distant future.

    Mods will be taking that email address off this post. The redshirts dont think, dont have goals, they are just pawns of Thaksin. Dont you get it? Oh wait, you get your news from the New York Times. that explains everything.

  4. not happy about this curfew going on for 3 more nights. that leaves the weekend in ruins. anyone know if its still possible to go out for a few drinks in bangkok anywhere at all?

    tragic aint it? Hey if the bar is open, go for it but they aint gonna be. why cant anyone have any respect for authorities trying to clean up thugs? Soldiers dont need jackasses cruising around. I would imagine they will be arresting fools on the streets during curfew hours. I'm in Nana area and there must be 500 soldiers in this small radius day and night. I wouldnt dare go out during the curfew. I hope anyone who is out gets tossed in the slammer or we gonna have reds looting and pillaging all around. thank you gov't and soldiers. do what you must to protect us.

  5. Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

    yeah, just what the soldiers need is jackasses out and about during the curfew.

  6. I planned to visit a friend in Lat Phrao (ลาดพร้าว) this weekend, thing is my plane lands at 9pm in Bangkok. Anyone knows if there will be taxis?

    Is the curfew strictly applied in Bangkok? Here in Chiang Mai I went out yesterday like any other night, they just stopped serving drinks after 9pm, but we could stay in the bar until 10.30

    could be a few taxis or maybe none. I dont see anything out there. I know I would be flying in at that time. might be no taxis to Lat Prao. that is a danger zone. I see smoke billowing from there right now. good luck, hope you dont get picked off

  7. Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

    Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

    There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

    Harsh crackdown , it could of been alot worse ! What is / was he supposed to do sit there and watch Bangkok be held hostage by these thugs ? Let them continuously attack the army with bricks, sticks , petrolbombs , and believe it or not GUNS ? Was he supposed to just sit there and let this happen?

    Hopefully the remainder of the rioting scum are taken of the streets tonight !

    Long live Thailand and the King !

    Abhisit comes out of this with dignity he waited patiently for them to disperse, gave them countless warnings and very sensibly waited until they had lost what sympathy they may have had before acting. Even the action was relatively restrained. However I think the time for reconciliation is over - instead of bussing them home free of charged round enough of the hooligans up and let them spend a few weeks in jail. No matter how valid your protest maybe that doesnt justify destroying the places that countless poor people in bangkok depend on to work and provide for their families. Do the people in the provinces think they are the only "poor" in Thailand? They will clear off to their green fields and leave the poor people of bangkok, already suffering high pollution rates, with their mess to clear up.

    Even if Thaksin did not orchestrate this he is a war criminal by virtue of the fact that he could have stopped it - failing to prevent crime is virtually the same as committing it which as an ex policeman he should know. The best idea in my view is to round up his entire family and hold them under house arrest until he has the guts to return and face judgment - I think before this the country may have been divided 50/50 but now they must all realise that this wanton destruction must have been planned in advance of the "so called " surrender which in my view was just a diversion to given them time to create the havoc they promised.

    These people have no pride in their country if they put politics above people and property and use women and children as human shields - they are criminals pure and simple - I would not even brand them with the acolade of terrorist lest someone think they are "freedom fighters"

    Encore for that great post. Thank you

  8. Time to set aside the blame game and prey for peace..........

    On the contrary, it should never be forgotten what the red shirts have done to the country. Shame on them and their tyrant leader Thaksin.

    Thank you Abhisit for finally taking strong action. I just wish that this had been done a month ago. better later than never though.

    Agree with you Tom 100%

  9. What a load of BS. All these people are, are terrorists. That word is over used these days, but anyone who would kill, bomb, burn the residents and businesses of a city are clearly a threat.

    After its all said and done it seems that the reds will lose the respect they had earned, and the bargaining chips they had are gone.

    Nope, they are freedom fighters going to extraordinary lengths to achieve the outcome most of us take for granted.

    Is the French Revolution regarded as acts of terrorism? Did anyone call the Greece rioters terrorists? And you haven't seen the last of Europe in flames either, guaranteed.

    And it really is none of our f**king business...

    yep as the previous poster said, these red animals are 100% terrorists. no idea <deleted> youre going on about with this europe crap. savage terrorists who belong behind bars for a few decades. they are pawns of thaksin who do not think, just do as told for a few baht. they have all the freedom they need up with their kwais on the rice farms. this aint no freedom fight. it's a pawn payoff by a master terrorist named thaksin who will be brought to justice and hopefully tried and convicted and given a death sentence. Amen

  10. Would that be the same Central World (that used to be called The World Trades Center) which, when I afforded it my one and only disappointed visit, had become scruffy, old, tired and with half of the retail outlets empty and unlettable because so many newer, more prestigious shopping malls have been developed since it waved bye-bye to it's glory-days?

    Just a thought :D

    ...Mis-informed thought. It was recently renovated, at great expense, and is (was) a very pleasant mall to stroll in. Very nice place indeed.

    As i said, I only went there the once (it was a god-awful miserable place, with a stench of pending failure about it).

    Pity I never knew it had been revamped, or I would have taken a look-see for myself.

    Oh well, it must be the Red-Shirts who torched it then.............................................Or someone else with an interest, perhaps :) .

    Only one thing's for sure and that is that we'll never know for definite.

    NO NO, youre mistake, that stench was when the wind blew your way

  11. Amnesty is unbelieveable, if this was happening in their holy homeland, then all means possible would be accepted to protect their land, gunning down of arabs would be accepted and blamed on the holocaust. now they come to other people's countries and tell them how to run their countries. It's all a matter of supporting all of those low educated people that they can control in ALL countries. Master plan to rule the world. I puke in many buckets. Please allow to me to empty them for refilling.

  12. I just think that people who want to get all worked up over this stuff should join forums with 1000s of other people who get off on getting worked up over this 70 year old crap. Why drag it into a Thailand forum?

  13. The swastika common in Thai culture (as graffiti and as a symbol on clothing and in homes and public spaces) is usually that of buddhism, not nazi Germany. (as people have already posted)

    With that said, I was at the Mall in Korat last week and noticed little figures of Hitler and other SS/Nazi people in a shop window in the "city walk" area (downstairs). I asked my (Thai) husband about it and he said he had no idea why they had them / were selling them and that it was really weird. He's 35 and said he learned about the Holocaust in school and realizes that Hitler was a horrible person. But as far as details about the Holocaust, he doesn't really know much. We recently watched "The inglorious bastards" and he kept asking me stuff like, "did that really happen?" and "is that what it was like?"

    But... as with people everywhere, SOME Thai people SOMETIMES say or wear or do culturally insensitive things. I've been here about 3 years and I've noticed several pro bin laden, anti-American t-shirts. But, as an American, I would hate to say how much racist, hateful crap I've heard and seen and experienced in the US. so...

    ce la vie.

    Bingo, I saw those Bin Laden shirts here in the months after 9/11. Did I get all worked up about it? Nooo. Here it is 70 years after the "fact" and we still get 1 in 10 movies on the subject and news reports like this is something new and concerning. Why should this be at the top of the heap? Because the powers of mass information put it there. I puke it out and always have. No powers put so much cash and emphasis in such certain atrocities like Kampuchea, and that occurred only 30 years ago. I think arm bands are attractive attire and shake the hand of any Thai I see wearing them

  14. jingthing, I'm not a denier but neither am I someone who believes the story spoonfed to me. So maybe it happened, maybe it didn't.

    anyway, that's all off topic. stick to the topic. Thais are on TV with their Nazi stuff; they say it's ok and I agree

  15. There's nothing wrong with Nazi symbols and Thais dressing in that way. It's just that western people groomed to think certain ways by a chosen few media companies. No one knows with certainty what went on in 1940. It's sad that people think what they are told to think by the chosen media. Thais on the show simply reject the chosen notion. For this they get my utmost respect for I never believe what I am told to by any manipulated news organization. We have no proof of anything. All we have are potentially doctored pictures and film footage that could have been made by master filmmakers of the time.

  16. Why would anyone take the skytrain or subway now? I live near both but havent used the skytrain in many months though I did use mrt a month ago for the last time. over for now. I have feet and can walk everywhere

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