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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. I use Freusubin everyday .
  2. Spirits do not exist in Govt elecions ANYWHERE!!!
  3. Bloody smoking fish! Where will it end!!!
  4. You picked a fine time to leave me,Loose Wheel!
  5. What is the fine for peeing in a swimming pool then???
  6. Flood prone!............Boy it's cheap, should suit you perfectly if you don't eat too much!
  7. My last flight smelt of Phad Thai!
  8. Well, it's pretty obvious that planes need a re design so you can get that beauty sleep when travelling! Let's know how you get on!
  9. Perfect!
  10. Go there and find out! I don't think floor sweepers are paid much there either! Make sure to take care of those super expensive $5 thongs now, can't be wasting $5 too often now, can we???
  11. They make you look like a total fool, Yagoda, along with all your MAGA clowns, who suck in all the BS the moron sprouts!!!!
  12. Never forget to bring your stick to a gunfight!
  13. Is it not underscored with the daily road carnage? Let's see how they fumble their way through this new disgraceful debacle!!!
  14. Was it a de facto meeting at an undisclosed de facto location???
  15. I resign forhtwith!
  16. Who's we???
  17. Well if the taxi drivers had an ounce of nouce, they would have invested wisely. If, I used taxis, I would tell them I paid tip in better times! Years ago!
  18. Families are back! Dad, mum and the kids, Cool!!!
  19. Even he said "It weren't me" They'll ALL say "It were'nt me"!
  20. I knew they were full of it!
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