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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. Non Americans don't care about American politics. Any country that would even consider Donald Trump as president are screwed in the head!!!
  2. ....and who exactly lured/ hired these people to work in Thailand???
  3. You absolute moron! Tiny Tim died of a heart attack in 1996! You really can't help making a fool of yourself, can you! Please stop! We all know!!!
  4. Rubbish, he tip toed wherever you are, go and mop some floors!!!
  5. No you clown, he tip toed thru the tulips!
  6. He won his last fight by 50 metres!
  7. I realized even more what a complete idiot you are! I dont cry for idiots gg!
  8. More bull$#!t from gg!
  9. Take note of this and BEWARE! I never did much trust people who worked in White Houses!
  10. You too Bob, thanks for all the entertainment while it lasted! Take care!
  11. Too bad you're not vegemite Bob, I think you'd slot into the lucky country ok! Is it not 2bahtster
  12. See you Thursday, Bob!
  13. So.................................Where's the money???
  14. I love this meticulous screening, No crooks in this govt! Well done!!!
  15. What sort of car do drive? How do you tell the time? Where was your last holiday to?
  16. Alas! These people know no shame!
  17. ........Doesn't matter as long as it's black, I have always found that black phones are most reliable!!! Your preferred phone A Ha Ha is well named! Even Samsung is laughing! Hahahahahaha!
  18. Gen Prayut announced there would definitely be NO COUP 2 weeks before the last coup! Watch this Space!!!
  19. Ahhh Pattaya!........the butthole of the country!!! 💩
  20. Ding ding ding!!!! Youv'e WON!!!
  21. Yes, and they are the most expensive you can buy so they shouldn't need maintenance! The budget was great, the receivers where particularly happy!
  22. Perfect, who would understand poverty better than Thaksin Shinawatra and his poor clan!!!
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