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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. Damned Americans!
  2. Is that not what Trump is in the process of bringing to fruition? Trump has an uncanny knack of drawing lowly educated loonies!!! Damn it Chuck, wherrre's ma gurn!
  3. America! The highest gun ownership in the world and the worst shots!
  4. Don't forget to pay the severance when you leave and just give her the ring!
  5. Are you saying Donald Trump does??? Oh please!
  6. Shame on his granddaughter?.........Rubbish!!! I would think the shame is on the drunken 68 year old fool!
  7. Of course he can't! Imagine an EX President (himself) being stiffed for $130,000 from a whore. Doesn't make him look very smart, does it!
  8. She's got the lying old wimp on the run! Go girl!!!
  9. Many! They've got your name, they've got your number!
  10. Just goes to show the most advanced medical methods are right here!
  11. He could have at least offered a Bandaid!
  12. How to march and to sing the National Anthem! What else could then need?
  13. Well wrapped, Looks totally smell proof! 🙄 Investigation for 5 months??? Try harder!
  14. Careful! He has a country to run, remember!!! He's a busy man!
  15. That's pretty cheap, Charlie! 😏
  16. Appears to be a human jam, not a traffic jam! Where are all the cars???
  17. The insurgency is well and truly underway! To be renamed ganjaville!
  18. Face! Where no means yes and everybody is always right! Perfect!
  19. Kenny Boy, Batman knows the score!
  20. Hermaphrodite maybe???
  21. Are there any trees left on Soi 11???
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