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Everything posted by dhupverg

  1. I would think it's Newsome. He was just on a trip to China where Xi rolled out the red carpet for him, much better than any other recent US diplomat or politician. Purely coincidental I'm sure. Gavin did such a great job and continues to do a great job in California, just ask everyone in San Francisco.
  2. Not if you have some sort of incentive to keep the fear going.........................
  3. Got to keep that shill money gravy train going. With no fear and no shilling, there's no more sales of these mrna products.
  4. Thank you. Actually I have looked into this quite a bit, I've read many meta analysis research papers at google scholar, talked to people that have had this done in various countries etc. BTW, I've found Malaysia to be much cheaper than what I was quoted here, including everyone in Malaysia saying they can use imaging, while in Thailand they use landmark. FYI, using imaging has shown to be better according to research papers. Here's one example. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29511701/
  5. I've been looking to get some prp done for a knee. From what I have researched, a minimum of 50 cc's is needed to really have any effect, as well as needing imaging to place the plasma back into the knee. I have contacted various clinics and hospitals and asked about how much blood was drawn and if imaging was used to inject the plasma back into the knee. I can't find a single clinic or hospital that withdraws at least 50 cc's and only a couple that drew 10-15 cc's used imaging. Any leads on clinics or hospitals that actually draw at least 50 cc's and use imaging. Autologus PRP would be preferred, but it not, at least a place that draws enough blood and uses imaging.
  6. Nobody wants an mrna product that Pfizer themselves admit is a gene therapy ( See this reading of Pfizers own documents by Senator Rennick in OZ confirming these products are gene therapy. Note he reads Pfizer's own words.). I'm actually amazed at how there is serious shilling going on for these products with the shills thinking that the public still thinks these things are great. "
  7. I agree about the Laos Bolaven Plateau coffee. I have been ordering coffee from that region for a number of years. I order 4 kg's at a time and the cost comes to 2K baht. Freshly roasted, so sometimes I have to wait a week or two before the order gets sent. I switched to these guys about a year ago. https://shopee.co.th/ryncoffee?entryPoint=OrderDetail
  8. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/the-top-25-defense-companies-by-revenue/ There's some serious money to be made in war. Figures below are in the billions for FY 2022. Lockheed Martin $63.3 🇺🇸 RTX Corp (formerly Raytheon Technologies) $39.6 🇺🇸 Northrop Grumman $32.4 🇨🇳 Aviation Industry Corporation of China $31.0 🇺🇸 Boeing $30.8 🇺🇸 General Dynamics $30.4 🇬🇧 BAE Systems $25.2
  9. I don't think Xi or Newson are MAGA. However they are fond of Authoritarianism. How did you get it so wrong with thinking they are MAGA?
  10. Never fear, Gavin Newsom is in China and getting the grand tour from Xi. I'm sure it's all just a coincidence though and has nothing to do with the Democratic party wanting Joe to be a one and done guy.
  11. Shills are going to keep shilling, no matter what evidence is presented. If good evidence is presented, it will be from a " not a credible source" or " not allowed source" or else a "fact check says it's not true". All three excuses have been used ad naseum here.
  12. Approved by who? If censor heavy youtube keeps his videos up, who are you referring to as "not an approved video source for news"? You?
  13. Not sure if this has been mentioned, but a documentary by Ken Burns " The American Buffalo" is well worth your time if you enjoy his work. 8.9 on imdb https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27131398/?ref_=tt_urv
  14. Biden is the best. The strongest leader the US has ever seen, ever vigilant and alert, while being welcomed with open arms in the Arab world and also getting the most votes a US president ever received.
  15. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2052297523000914 Conclusion Treatment of COVID-19 using a combination of hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin was safe and was associated with a statistically significant mortality benefit in the treatment of COVID-19 infection in hospitalized patients. Our findings do not support the current negative recommendations regarding this treatment.
  16. Follow the money. If you look into how much this self-admitted unhealthy guy has received in the way of grants, you might have an inkling of why he says what he says.
  17. It's unbelievable how people do get critized for stating their truth that they got injured. severly injured, or killed from a medical countermeasure. What's even more unbelievable is how these products were paid for by taxpayers, yet the pharma company assumes no liability. It's downright criminal. People like cmsally should be compensated for their injuries. Hiding behind EUA is a farce.
  18. White House Plumbers starring Woody Harrelson and Justin Theroux portray Howard Hunt and Gordon Liddy as a couple bungling people for Nixon going over the Watergate happenings. Watergate now seems quite mild to what's going on in the current climate. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11468254/
  19. You do realize that the average age of a "covid death" was greater than the average age of death pre covid. You do realize that correct? Also you do realize that some states in the US have now been shown to have overstated the number of covid deaths by up to a third. You do realize thsi yes?
  20. Too bad no one wants peace. There's no money to be made in peace. Fire up the war machine and the printing presses.
  21. Genius, keep borrowing money from China to fund Zelensky and his cronies. Money well spent................ Meanwhile in Maui the people are shunned by the gov't.
  22. Amazing how so many other studies from around the world that are not paid nor captured came up with quite different results. https://c19ivm.org https://c19ivm.org/meta.html
  23. Crickets when actual facts come out. When the NYT actually carries facts, that's quite noteworthy. "NOTE: And this now FDA-approved XBB 1.5 booster shot has not gone through any reported trials for safety or efficacy at all" I read something about the cdc "suggesting" it might work, but not actually using their tried and true mantra "safe and effective".
  24. This 4 minute video by RFK Jr sums up the dirty politics of the DNC wanting to punish Iowa and New Hamshire where Biden did very poorly last election, and instead start in South Carolina. Based on DNC's plan, They also are saying if a candiate campaigned in New Hamshire, their votes won't count in Georgia. That's pure gansterism at it's finest. La Cosa Nostra has nothing on the DNC.
  25. Why is the DNC not wanting some debates between the candidates? If good ol Joe is on top of his game, surely he'd come off best in any debate. Instead of constant propoganda from the state, I mean news organizations, let the voters hear for themselves what the candidates answer to various serious concerns the people have are.
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