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Everything posted by dhupverg

  1. It seems labeling someone an "anti vaxxer" is really just saying "critical thinker" Do these finger pointing people saying "anti vaxxer" not realize that nearly 100% of the population in the western world has had their childhood vaccines and are not anti vaxxer. Perhaps anti vaxxers should be called " critical thinkers who don't trust mrna therapies". However, they do trust and have used tried and true "vaccines"...
  2. >>No details about the particulars of those cases. >>>So we don't really know the details of just whom COVID is making seriously ill in Thailand. So just keep pushing fear than, well done. Makes sense that those who passed away were elderly and in poor health, also makes sense that those who are seriously affected are also elderly and in ill health. What doesn't make sense is that those who are seriously affected are young and heatlhy, but nevermind that, keep pushing fear.
  3. Take your pick of who is getting funded to publish such information. Are these guys working for free, or do they get funding by pharma companies, " philanthropic causes" (cough cough Gates Foundation and their ilk), goverment agencies who are also funded by Pharma and private interests? In this day and age, everyone is whoring themselves out to funding, and will write whatever is needed to secure and keep such funding, even if it means changing goal posts on trials to get a favourable outcome of said trials. Remdesivir is just one rigged trial that comes to mind after failing ebola trials and killing people. Follow the money...........................
  4. Remind me again, what was the average age of a covid death? Oh yeah, it was greater than the average lifespan. All these lockdowns, masks, and other "measures" did nothing but instill fear. The role of the government and authorities is to instill calm into the population during times of doubt and uncertainty, not fear. Pure fail on the part of governments to instill calm.
  5. Let me get right on that! The discussion is about EV's of which every post has been about EV's. Not sure what you're on about, but I was simply pointing out some of the negatives to all the rose coloured glass wearing EV loving posters. But go ahead, drive around in your Chinese EV, doesn't bother me a bit.
  6. Who are you again? Are you the new owner of the forum and thus can dictate what can or can't be said in a thread. Pardon me guv.
  7. Speaking of video, here's an interesting video about how unsafe Chinese EV's are. One case in this video is about the new super luxury chinese suv which ran into the back of a truck. The doors could not be opened, the airbags did not work, and every died inside the vehicle. There was then a big censorship push by the government to deny these things, until the car company came out and basically admitted the story was true. Another incident in Malaysia where the rear suspension breaks for no apparent reason. Good luck in these quality built vehicles!
  8. How is this an accredited/aceeptable source? Looks dodgy and sketchy with a huge bias. I guess bias left leaning from a random publication is acceptable though. If I put up a zeroheadge article it will get the "unapproved source" treatment. Nice.
  9. I'm sure it's been mentioned, but I'll mention it again. Shogun is well worth watching and currently at a 9.0 on imdb. I read the book a few times over the years as well as James Clavelle's other novels and I found this series to be highly entertaining and very well done. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2788316/?ref_=ttep_ov
  10. Indeed, follow the money and where all the grant funds are going on this issue. Speak out against it, your funds are cut off. Run around like the sky is falling, the money flows in.
  11. Interesting to hear about Tesla and why their profits were down. "Tesla profits drop 55%, company says EV sales ‘under pressure’ from hybrids" "“The EV adoption rate globally is under pressure and a lot of other auto manufacturers are pulling back on EVs and pursuing plug in hybrids instead,” https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/23/tesla-profits-drop-55-company-says-ev-sales-under-pressure-from-hybrids/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9uZXdzLmdvb2dsZS5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKMkJvVQllV6pq8pqUPzWu5Ael96S7EEum-pfjem38gCqcCZIh5CEOrgKLsDJL8OE2dbMt7tqQvmIKcFt9ytEoEUJh40illH_z0dTp4pXs97gLTl7ns3zG03xtNKjUqk2OWBob3eELrBgD5Tl4Hm5TqTW_jJd-T26GPlUaEFJsRE
  12. When facts stand in the way of a narrative, always good to break out paid fact checkers to run off on a tangent and using such vague terms as "due in part" right after admitting the truth "Although deaths from these disasters have decreased".
  13. Should we put these fear mongering numbers in context? Out of 72,000,000 people , 1000/week are hospitalized. What's that percentage wise? Oh, it's 1.3888888E-5 In other words, it's basically nothing............................................
  14. If you enjoy the strain hunters on youtube, they're now in Thailand going around the country on a two week tour. Here's episode 1, it starts in BKK, then heads to Koh Tao to talk to Mr KD. www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XQQ6GFbOyk
  15. What was the percentage of that bill that went to actual border security instead of overseas and pork?
  16. Thanks. It is indeed a pavillion 17 in, but not sure of the model number, but looks to be quite similar in the hp product page https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c05177219. ctrl alt s didn't work for me and there's nothing on the bottom of unit now that is visible. I'll ping that seller on ebay, thank you.
  17. Dr Vinay Prasad, a professor from Stanford weighs in on this https://www.drvinayprasad.com/p/it-is-disappointing-that-the-cdchttps://www.drvinayprasad.com/p/it-is-disappointing-that-the-cdc "It is disappointing that the CDC is dishonest A new study exonerating mRNA vaccines in young men is inconclusive; the CDC is shredding its own credibility" Here's a couple points he raises "At one point in the paper, the authors actually admit the truth, the “small population size made it less likely that Oregon would see a rare event such as sudden cardiac death among adolescents and young adults.” "With these facts, almost surely, the vaccine does increase death from cardiac reasons (as some people get myocarditis and some of these people will die), though this signal will be small, and too small to see in a single, low population state (Oregon)"
  18. I've got a product id, device id, but finding the actual serial number is proving illusive. I've run the command prompt wmic bios get serialnumber which did give me a serial number, but going to hp support's website, they don't have anything even when including the device name. I've also tried the fn + esc keys and that also gives me nothing.
  19. Please don't insult all of the good and credible used car salesmen out there, even if they are selling lemons. I'd rather buy from them then buy the lies and propoganda spit out by 3 letter government agencies.
  20. Cult like, almost as if there are shills. "Stops transmission" "you won't get covid if you get the jab" propoganda that was spread and has proven to be false. Go against this narrative, it's at best misinformation, disinformation or malinformation, and at worst get a time out. Wonderful job.
  21. Thanks for the ideas/suggestions. I am in Phuket if someone happens to know of something besides the basement of big C.
  22. I have a laptop where the body/frame is starting to fall apart. It is literally being held together by tape and clips. I was just in the US and a shop said they could replace the whole thing, but I didn't have the time. It is a 17 inch hp powerhouse with 32 gbs of ram, 1gb ssd and 3 gb of HDD. I already bought a cheap new laptop, but I would like to keep this high end spec laptop with a new body. Does anyone have a recommendation for doing this?
  23. Tire manufacturers love EV's. The price of the tires are more to handle the weight, and the tires wear out faster. This is an interesting video from CNBC.
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