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Everything posted by dhupverg

  1. Why is the DNC not wanting some debates between the candidates? If good ol Joe is on top of his game, surely he'd come off best in any debate. Instead of constant propoganda from the state, I mean news organizations, let the voters hear for themselves what the candidates answer to various serious concerns the people have are.
  2. Anyone used an app to or from the airport? What was the rate?
  3. The Cochran review showed that masks don't do anything. https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006207.pub6/full#CD006207-sec-0216 Here's a good article that covers it. https://maryannedemasi.substack.com/p/exclusive-lead-author-of-cochrane "Smerconish brought up the 2023 Cochrane review which found no evidence that physical interventions like face masks could stop viral transmission in the community and cited my interview with lead author of the study Tom Jefferson who confirmed, “There is just no evidence that they [masks] make any difference. Full stop.”
  4. https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/sweden-during-pandemic#excess-deaths "These numbers, though surprising, are not controversial. These are the numbers that each country reports for themselves."
  5. If you like music and stories of musicians doing some crazy things, then you will really like " Mike Judge Presents: Tales from the Tour Bus" 8.6 on IMDB. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7212136/
  6. So the "brand" being the Biden name has nothing to do with ill qualified Hunter receiving huge sums? What's with the meetings in Dubai, Cafe Milano and other places with Ukrainians and other foreigners where Joe shows up? It was all just random meetings with Hunter and his biz partners to talk about the weather?
  7. Did we ever get clarification on what Hunter's qualifications were to earn the nice payouts he received from various foreign entities. I think we can all agree he was paid a nice bob or two to sit on boards and consult. What did he bring to the table again besides a last name?
  8. For those who want to read and learn about how covid effects different ethnicities, here's some published research papers for you with the titles of the papers after the link to said papers. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7439997/ ACE2 coding variants in different populations and their potential impact on SARS-CoV-2 binding affinity. https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-020-01673-z New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7886638/ Variants in ACE2; potential influences on virus infection and COVID-19 severity. https://ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdfdirect/10.1002/cpt.2499?download=true Features of Inflammatory Heart Reactions Following mRNA COVID- 19 Vaccination at a Global Level. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7417663/ Genetic Analysis of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Host Protease TMPRSS in Different Populations https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S006524232100055X Host polymorphisms and COVID-19 infection.
  9. A couple episodes in on "Beef" and I like it. 8.1 on imdb. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14403178/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_1_tt_6_nm_1_q_beef
  10. Why doesn't Biden take a competency test just to shut down all the conspiracy talk about his incompetence? That would shut up the Trumpers and the naysayers.
  11. Nice to see you wishing well on a fellow poster.
  12. I've been enjoying Kin, based around an Irish gangster family. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13444408/
  13. It would be nice if the gov't offered incentives like many other countries. A low cost loan does not qualify as an incentive in my way of thinking.
  14. Thanks for the helpful replies. I definitely want to avoid Phuket Town and the wasted 3-4 hours, so these replies have been very helpful.
  15. I would rather avoid going to Phuket Town to get a re entry permit, but I am not sure if immigration at Phuket airport is always staffed and able to issue a re entry permit? Does anyone have first hand knowledge?
  16. In the past, I had gotten a Non O 90 day in HCMC and it was smooth sailing. A few months ago I went to get a new Non O, and it was the opposite. The IO was a pain in the ass ( even though I showed him a printout of bank balance) He wanted to see months and months of financials. I ended up having to contact the Mrs and have her email her financials from a Thai bank. HCMC is now not where you want to go without financials and months and months of print outs of said financials.
  17. IIRC, there is a time either daily or weekly when the embassy makes more appointments open as cancellations come in. Looking at the calendar, there really isn't anything for months if you just go by their calendar. I see CM has some open dates next month, but that's a long way to travel for a necessary in person visit.
  18. Just looking at the appointment calendar on the website, no dates appear open at all. However I believe that the embassy does open up appointments at a certain time on a periodic basis. Does anyone have any insight on this?
  19. As the title says, are there such things as home equity loans here for a line of credit? Do the banks charge interest on the whole line of credit, or just the amount taken from the line of credit? Anyone have an experience to share? As we know, loans here are quite different than "back home".
  20. I enjoyed The English. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11771270/ There's some nice scenery and the story is good, although not always easy to follow with location and time line changes occuring. It all ties in as the episodes roll out.
  21. Almost half of the passengers on two flights to Milan from China tested positive for Covid, Bloomberg reported today https://www.forbes.com/sites/russellflannery/2022/12/28/italy-orders-covid-tests-for-china-arrivals-us-weighs-rules/?sh=6cbd02b9cee8 Nothing to see here!
  22. It's amazing how everyone's wife is now growing...... My wife has also started her new green thumb hobby.
  23. As a follow up, this page has some more places listed. https://airportplaces.com/phuket-international-airport-hkt/parking/ We parked at K Nin car park and they were prompt and waiting for us at the airport upon arrival. 100 baht a day for covered parking basically right across the street from the domestic terminal.
  24. The Mrs managed to find a place right after the domestic terminal before the cargo terminal. I believe she said it's on the soi that has the 7/11 on it ( perhaps the 7/11 replaced the family mart) It is 100 baht a day and covered.
  25. From this archived thread, , it looks like the family mart is no longer there and looking at google maps, I don't see any parking referenced in the archived thread. Does anyone know of a covered alternative to the international parking structure close to the airport?
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