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Posts posted by CRUNCHER

  1. Thanks for the responses.

    Actually I eventually found the information, but it was well hidden in their website. The have 10 pages of note on completeing the smart form and you would think they would have included this important piece of information in there. If you follow the form through it seems that evryone needs a counter signatory. Shame really because everything else was very easy.

  2. Thanks for the responses.

    Actually I managed to find it, but it is well hidden in their website.

    They publish a 10 pages of notes on completing the smart form and you would think they would include the fact in there. If you follow the form through it seems evryone has to have a counter signatory. Shame really as everything else was very easy.

  3. Sometimes humour is good, but I would have thought that this forum was one place where sick humour is inappropriate. People are seeking advice for problems that they find serious. Common curtesy suggests that their concerns not be treated with flipancy by people who do not find them serious..

    • Like 1
  4. <snip>

    This idiot thought that repeatedly sounding his horn would persuade me to drive through a red light. As someone said above, I doubt if he would pay my fine.

    I feel ya Brother, I had the same thing happen to me today where a Foreigner in his car (I was on a MC) tried to push us out of the way by constantly honking his horn and revving his engine. I just moved to the front of the line of the other lane and let the idiot pass.

    You don't wanna know how many middle fingers exchanged hands wink.png

    And unfortunately this time there weren't any BiB waiting to fine his b@tt.

    Patience is a virtue

    Do the BiB ever stop cars and fine the drivers for this? Too much like hard work I think, much easier to pull over half a dozen bikes.

    Yes they do. Regularly. They have been doing it for some months now.

    From what I have seen it is mostly Thais driving anything from old bangers to Mercedes. There seems to be no discrimination.

  5. Personally I think that turning left against a red light at some of the busy junctions is pretty dangerous. Some people make the left turn cutting up traffic going straight across the junction. I am all in favour of enforcing the law.

    I just wish the police would get a bit of publicity going and City Hall would install sensible signage.

  6. This is the problem - the poor grammar leads to ambiguity. I am told the Thai version basically says you cannot turn left on the red light (not a literal translation). Why Thais cannot read these signs I don't know.

    The blue sign at the junction of Second Road and Klang is clear and unambiguous. Every body knows about it and there is no problem. Someone in City Hall needs to address the quality of these signs and replace the "Turning Left Waiting Light" signs.

  7. As with any transport system some drivers are good, some are bad and some in between.

    What I find deplorable is the lack of routes along Third Road, Thepprasit, Cosy Beach, Wong Amat etc etc. This would not be so bad except that so often there are dozens of empty or nearly empty baht buses going round and round the Second Road/Beach Road circuit, poluting the atmosphere and clogging up the traffic. How some of these guys make a living I do not know. There must be money to be made for two or three buses on Third Road.

  8. I thought the new car rebate for a first time buyer was only available to Thai citizens. A friend buying a new car says he has been promised by the dealer that it is available to anyone with a one year visa. It was a major factor in his buying a new car as opposed to a second hand one.

    Anyone know the correct position please? Is he being ripped off?

  9. WRONG.

    As I understand it, EVERY transfer has to be over $20,000 to generate the paperwork necessary to buy a condo. You must show paperwork to cover the entire purchase price of the property. There is a time limit too, within which you can use the transfers, possibly one year.

    It is US$ 50,000 not $20,000. There may be a time limit, but I have never heard of it. It is certainly more than one year. I have used TT3 that are 2 or 3 years old with no problem.

    For amounts less than $50,000 you can get a specific letter from the bank that should cover it.

  10. Simply solved IF you have a Thai bank account, just set up a direct debit, my meter gets read on the last week of the month and the money taken on the 11th of the following month.

    I've heard various things about paying by direct debit. It's a bit of a pain to set up - get a form from the company, or is it from the bank? - fill that in, get the bank to authorise it, take it to the utility company offices, then wait until they deign to act upon it. One respected poster said that the Pattaya water company took 4 months to get a direct debit operating.

    I asked my lawyer about doing this and he advised against it, saying that sometimes they took the wrong amount and then you had the hassle of trying to rectify their mistake. He'd even heard of cases where they had cut people off after the correct amount had been taken from their bank account.

    TiT, I suppose.

    My water I pay to the condo so I don't know, but the electric was as easy as pie. Take your bank passbook, passport and an old bill to the Electric office at Naklua (just down from the police station). Best if you also take the usual copies, if not they will send you next door to get them done.

    Took just a few minutes and was effective just a few days later. I did not need to go to the bank myself.

    Staff could not have been more helpful despite their limited English and my non-existant Thai. This was one of my better experiences in dealing with Thai officaldom. 3BB was a lot of hassle and I have given up with True.

  11. About a year ago I needed to send out a couple of million bhat from my Bangkok Bank (Pattaya) joint account with my wife (a Brit). No problem. A million in my name and a million in my wifes name. Reason? I was told to put on the form "expenses".

    I have no work permit or receipts from sale of property or other documentation.

    I asked the guy if this was a daily limit and could I do the same the next day. He replied that it was better to wait 2 or 3 days.

    I found, as always, Bangkok Bank staff willing and helpful. One thing I find helps is to pick a time when the bank is not busy, even if it means going back a couple of times.

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