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Posts posted by CRUNCHER

  1. Maybe people in general are a little too quick to jump on others who maybe have less fortunate lives than themselves. Money certainly comes into it , but not neccessarily greed. I would imagine those desperate enough to smuggle would use up the money they gain from the smuggling quite quickly, as opposed to greed which suggests they don't need the money but are committing a crime in order to bolster their already bulging bank accounts.

    In general peopole are also rather quick to condemn others whose lifestyle doesn't match their own. If people choose to use drugs why not lewt them , they know the risks. The way i see it is here we have another , young , life cut short because someone was forced to swallow something deadly in order to try and beat the authorities, who are always battling against something they will never win. You will never stop drug takers, drug smuggling , in the same way you will never stop smoking , drinking, under age smoking , under age drinking , under age drug taking , under age sex , the list is endless. So thousands of people die a year , not just from taking part in illegal activities (maybe some should not be illegal ?) but also from trying to evade capture from authorities fighting a battle they can never win. Very sad isn't it ?

    Sorry. Can't agree. He was carrying filth to destroy the lives of others for money. He got what he deserved. Shame his female companion will be allowed to live.

    I expect you would like to be her executioner .!!

    You say he carried filth to destroy the lives of others . Probably no-one would have died from his cargo, but one thing is for sure . One young life is gone in trying to evade capture from the authorities. Wonder who kills most people a year , the authorities or the drug dealers? Still as long as the authorities can go on tv saying they are winning the war on drugs (not true of course but that doesn't matter) , i'm sure you don't mind how many young lives are killed by those very authorities.

    Simple answer. Drug Dealers by a long way. In addition they cause untold misery from people who are adicted and their families and friend. You make it sound like the fault of the authoities for not allowing import of this filth.

  2. Maybe people in general are a little too quick to jump on others who maybe have less fortunate lives than themselves. Money certainly comes into it , but not neccessarily greed. I would imagine those desperate enough to smuggle would use up the money they gain from the smuggling quite quickly, as opposed to greed which suggests they don't need the money but are committing a crime in order to bolster their already bulging bank accounts.

    In general peopole are also rather quick to condemn others whose lifestyle doesn't match their own. If people choose to use drugs why not lewt them , they know the risks. The way i see it is here we have another , young , life cut short because someone was forced to swallow something deadly in order to try and beat the authorities, who are always battling against something they will never win. You will never stop drug takers, drug smuggling , in the same way you will never stop smoking , drinking, under age smoking , under age drinking , under age drug taking , under age sex , the list is endless. So thousands of people die a year , not just from taking part in illegal activities (maybe some should not be illegal ?) but also from trying to evade capture from authorities fighting a battle they can never win. Very sad isn't it ?

    Sorry. Can't agree. He was carrying filth to destroy the lives of others for money. He got what he deserved. Shame his female companion will be allowed to live.

  3. hey lopburi, thanks for the directions...they were perfect...=)

    and The Coder, you were wrong bout the 30 days being added to the end of the visa! they added 30 days starting today! which means i have to go back and pay another 1900 baht to get another extension before i leave on the 7th of feb.!

    ah well, all in all, it was a good experience...things went smoother than i thought...thanks for all the help guys!


    err!! Not sure you can get another extension on a TV. better check You may need to do a visa run and get a 30 day visa exempt entry.

  4. how did he manage to drive his car if his arm was blown off by a firework!!! doesn't make any sense.

    From what I can make out, the accident losing his arm came AFTER the sad drink/driving incident!!!

    The fact he is out celebrating the New Year after what had happens defies logic :o

    Agreed. No shame, no heart.

  5. just an update on this..the Norwegian man who caused the accident was celebrating new years eve in a bar about 200 metres from where the accident occurred ,when he lit a firework in his hand which blew his arm off at the shoulder !!.

    i'll leave others to comment on this !

    One is tempted to say "poetic justice", but that would not bring Mr Hassim back unfortunately. On the other hand (no need to pardon the pun) what an idiot -inside a bar playing with fireworks. I wont say he deserved it, but it is difficult to have a lot of sympathy for people who do idiotic thoings and get themselves hurt. Did anyone else get injured?

  6. I live in Jomtien without a car close to the baht bus routes. Overall, not usually a major problem.

    For shopping, there are baht bus taxis (overcharging) waiting at shopping malls such as Tesco and Carrefour.

    However, I strongly feel the area needs a fleet of Bangkok style taxi meters. There are so many times when it would be convenient or even necessary to hail a cab. For example, for a medical appointment at Bangkok Pattaya hospital or to make a dinner reservation in a timely manner, or whenever you need to go somewhere off the main baht bus routes. The baht bus mafia is a scourge on Pattaya. Yes, indeed, why do so many expats and Thais feel the need to own cars and motos? Because they only have the baht bus mafia to handle their transport is why. A fleet of taxis on the streets would overall REDUCE the number of vehicles on the streets, or at the very least, slow the growth.

    If it EVER happens that Bangkok style taxi meters are allowed in Pattaya, that will the day when there is a clear sign that mafia style corruption is really being addressed in Thailand. (Don't hold your breath!)

    As long as I am dreaming, how about a skytrain type mass transit route from far out Jomtien to North Pattaya, close to the beach? Talk about reducing street traffic and pollution. Pattaya is now a major city but has the infrastructure of a village.

    A simple way to start would be to allow the Bangkok taxies, who are down here waiting for a fare to the Airport or back to Bangkok, to pick up passengers using their meters. There would obviously be some problems such as drivers not knowing the area too well (maps might help) etc. But it would be useful to run a trial to guage demand.

    Cynical old me feels that the baht bus drivers (who run the City) will not allow the authorities to do this.

  7. To add to the debate, I arrived in Bangkok today from Hong Kong, and they went through my passport numbering and highlighting in fluorescent yellow all the stamps from October.

    So far, I have

    11 Oct - 9 Nov (marked 1)

    13 Nov - 8 Dec (marked 2)

    8 Dec - 6 Jan (they must have missed this one as they didn't mark it)

    Todays visa 1 Jan - 30 Jan (marked 3)

    By my rough calculation, the last stamp should only have been till the 20th or so.

    More concerning was their insistence on seeing my boarding card stub before letting me off the plane gantry and into the airport. I spent a good 15 minutes faffing about before they let me through. No idea what the point of that was...


    For some reason Thai Immigrstion require production of the boarding pass at the immigration entry desk. Some people dump their boarding passes during the flight. Possibly the process that you describe deal with people who have losted/dumped their bording passes. It would be helpful if airlines warned passengers of Thai Immigration before the flights take off in the country of origin.

  8. Thais should not be allowed to drive!

    I feel that several posters have unjustly misunderstood what M.M.T. was referring to.

    In my post ( No.3 ) I quoted the following:-

    " There are far to many Westerners driving under the influence.......

    We all know better and i do not care where we are or what the locals do."


    All that M.M.T. was doing was adding in a NON cynical way the additional observation post ( 4 )


    " Thais should not be allowed to drive! "

    Meaning Thai,s as well as Westerners shouldn,t be allowed to drive under the influence. If you read post No. 5 you will find what my comment about the " what locals do " in response to M.M.T.

    His comment was therefore relevant and not out of order.

    It would be nice if you could reread the posts and perhaps encourage M.M.T. to carry on with the thread as your commments were undeserved in my humble opinion.

    Perhaps send him a Pm,d apology :o

    Reagrding waiting for the facts as has been suggested, it would seem the O.P. is correct and even more disturbing details have now been posted on the incident.

    I hope this maybe puts the comment in it,s intended context in reply to my previous post

    Thanks and stay coolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tonight, safe and happy.

    marshbags :D:D:D

    I think he actually admitted not reading OP properly. I respect a man who is big enough to admit a mistake.

    Let us hope people of all races do not drink and drive - especially tonight.

    Certainly stay cool and have a good time - safely.

  9. If, for example, a guy comes to Thailand spends 30 days here and leaves - comes back after 10 days - stays 30 days and leaves - returns for another 30 days and leaves.

    In 110 days he spends ninty in Thailand.

    Question - can he make another visa exempt entry after 70 days or ninety days? In other words is it after you have done 90 days you have to be out for 90 days or is it in 180 day periond you can spend 90 days in Thailnad?

    Mathmatics not a strong point in this thread!

    In 100 days, he spends 90 in Thailand I believe is a total of 90 days in 6 months, so approx 183 days so would have to stay out for another 83 days before being allowed another visa exempt entry

    It is my typing not my maths that is weak - too many thumbs. Meant to say he stays out for 10 days the second time. Issue is just the same though. As I understand they talk about 180 days not 6 months.

  10. If, for example, a guy comes to Thailand spends 30 days here and leaves - comes back after 10 days - stays 30 days and leaves - returns for another 30 days and leaves.

    In 110 days he spends ninty in Thailand.

    Question - can he make another visa exempt entry after 70 days or ninety days? In other words is it after you have done 90 days you have to be out for 90 days or is it in 180 day periond you can spend 90 days in Thailnad?

  11. Thais should not be allowed to drive!

    A British man is killed in a traffic accident involving a Norwegian.......

    Why did you make this totally irrelevent comment ?? .....this has nothing to do with Thai drivers...This comment could only be considered as immflammatory and very much below the standard of your usual posts MMT.

    If I was a Mod....you would be issued with a caution notice.


    Fully agree with you gburns. What a silly comment in a thread like this about a very serios matter. Deep sympathy to Mrs Hassim. A sad story.

  12. Could this be in some way related to this situation

    Massive ATM fraud in Pattaya

    It probably is!

    I would hope that Miss Penelope Pitstop gets her money back, but TIT and the Thai banks are not of the same standard as 1st world country banks.

    I am setting myself a ceiling limit of money held in Thai banks at 500K THB.

    Libby if I cant pay cash I cant afford it..I always say..

    I read about these people who get robbed big ammonts of money..

    Credit card rip offs and I ask myself How and Why..

    First I keep my money in the Bank I have an ATM card..

    Most TG;s call Farangs ATM but thats another story..

    I refuse to own a credit card I do most of my business by Bank Transfers..

    then you have a record of the transaction...

    Never cary more than I need on person, in a nutshell Stupidity springs to mind....

    Regular visitors here can open a Bank Acc get an ATM card transfer money before coming problem solved.. :o

    ps where are the new jokes or are you waiting for a big splash in the new year ???

    Having an ATM card is no protection. I thought this was an ATM fraud.

  13. Ok I have done my homework this time and some apologies are in order, the Kudu projects are not in fact condos. They are Nithi Bukom Moo Baan (Juristic Villages) not Nithi Bukom (Juristic) Condominiums.

    However, here are some projects that I am absolutely certain are 'lateral condominiums'; Natural Place on Sukhumvit Soi 31,

    Villa 49 on Sukhumvit 49, and that property on Narathiwat 24 whose name I still cant recall but is something like Flora Place. There are others too.

    All of these share the same design features so as to comply with condominium building regulations. It seems that to be a condo in Thailand the whole development has to be built as a single structure.

    This is why those properties I mentioned have a common theme in their designs. Their houses are linked by a common structure. In those examples they all have a central garden and swimming pool that is built as a floor raised above ground level, surrounded by the houses that are physically connected to that common space. Car parking and access to the homes are on the ground floor.

    It obviously costs alot to build structures this way and when developers have other options (like offerring long leases) that allow for more flexible cheaper designs they will go for that route. Furthermore, in areas like Bangkok where land is expensive is makes more sense to build a high rise tower, and maximise sellable space.

    PTE They are handled as Juristic Villages, Moo Baans, annual service fees are levied by the Juristic Management who also take care of the estate.

    The case that I referred to was a long time ago and I am ready to accept that my memory is faulty. As I remember, however, the developer put down a massive concrete slab and built the houses on the slab calling them, as I said, “lateral condominiums”. I also seem to remember it required the Thai equivalent of an act of parliament to legalize the situation, but developers were told “never again”.

    Point is you will need to be very careful. Developers in Thailand are very good at trying to find loopholes, but often less successful in actually finding them.

  14. It does happen, but rarely. Those two developments that I mentioned are Juristic Condominiums. There are a few others in Bangkok, such as a development opposite Bangkok Garden on Narathiwas Soi 24 (whose name escapes me at the moment), all the houses are linked by a common garden with a swimming pool that is raised above ground level with parking underneath, not the best design actually but just another example to underline my point.

    I have often wondered why more firms dont do this. I asked around and it seems that building regulations restrict the design and layout of the project, which eats into profitability, however in the current climate where there are fewer avenues open to developers that wish to cater to the farang market it is my guess that we could see more projects of this nature going forward.

    PS Sorry about that link, it might be slow due to that earthquake in Taiwan, perhaps try the developer's site over at www.kuduthailand.com

    I thought this was tried about 10 to 12 years ago. They were called "lateral condominiums" If I remember correctly this practice was banned. If it is such a good idea (and if workable it is) and legal I am surprised that this is not the norm - especially in places like Pattaya.

  15. I have noticed white, light blue a few red baht buses plying their trade along Sukhumvit Road. I have used them for short trips, but can anyone tell me the extent of their routes please? Also what about fares?


    Thought I would push this back to the top because I admit I would be interested to the baht bus situation on Sukhumwit. I expected one or two answers. I have used the white one for varing distances between roughly Theprassit and North Road. Paid 5 or 10 baht depending on distance and had no complaints from drivers.

    I would be interested to know how far beyond either Theprassit and North Road they operate. I do not know anything about blue or red buses. Anyone any ideas?

  16. Try reading the press.

    Thanks bub, but as of last reading it seems they have reversed the measure on the stock market segment only. My bank still claims it will withhold 30%. Try posting something of use next time.

    So far I did not find any official articles who said U turn for Property withholding tax ....

    so still looking for answer as well.


    Just put below post on another thread. Does not answer you, but I think we will have to wait a few days for the air to clear

    QUOTE(Dr. Naam @ 2006-12-21 14:11:03)

    where are the moderators to stop misinformation?

    I do not think there is misinformation. Problem is BOT is not be explicit enough.


    This is the BOT original press release. Does not make it clear if it relates to property buying. (To me that is not short term, but others do not see it my way) No mention of US$ 20,000 limit.


    is the latest BOT release. Property is not mentioned. So, if it was included in the first place, it still is. Most press comments are speculation, some obviously ill informed..

    Confused? Me too. And so is BOT!! Until BOT gets it's act together there will continue to be confusion.

    For those still concerned about the tax on property transfers. From the Nation:

    "Meanwhile, the Bank of Thailand also issued an announcement on their website on December 21 stating that property including land and condominiums is exempt from the reserve requirement on short-term capital inflows.

    Foreign purchasers of condominiums can bring funds into Thailand to purchase condominium property. According to a major local bank, foreign condominium purchasers should clearly state the project name and unit number when remitting funds. "


    I know I am thick so could someone tell me where it is on BOT website. I cannot find it


    At last it is official. Thanks Wehkin

  17. Does anyone know if they have a branch in Bangkok?



    Yes quite a few I believe. There is a small one on Rama IV near the Silom Robinsons. Although it is small if they have not got what you want in stock they can usually get it within 24 hours What is more prices are cheaper than Pattaya. Don't know why - this is a nationwide franchised chain, but there it is.

    Unfortunately their website is in THai, but if you can get someone to help you read it you may learn something.

  18. Try reading the press.

    Thanks bub, but as of last reading it seems they have reversed the measure on the stock market segment only. My bank still claims it will withhold 30%. Try posting something of use next time.

    So far I did not find any official articles who said U turn for Property withholding tax ....

    so still looking for answer as well.


    Just put below post on another thread. Does not answer you, but I think we will have to wait a few days for the air to clear

    QUOTE(Dr. Naam @ 2006-12-21 14:11:03)

    where are the moderators to stop misinformation?

    I do not think there is misinformation. Problem is BOT is not be explicit enough.


    This is the BOT original press release. Does not make it clear if it relates to property buying. (To me that is not short term, but others do not see it my way) No mention of US$ 20,000 limit.


    is the latest BOT release. Property is not mentioned. So, if it was included in the first place, it still is. Most press comments are speculation, some obviously ill informed..

    Confused? Me too. And so is BOT!! Until BOT gets it's act together there will continue to be confusion.

    For those still concerned about the tax on property transfers. From the Nation:

    "Meanwhile, the Bank of Thailand also issued an announcement on their website on December 21 stating that property including land and condominiums is exempt from the reserve requirement on short-term capital inflows.

    Foreign purchasers of condominiums can bring funds into Thailand to purchase condominium property. According to a major local bank, foreign condominium purchasers should clearly state the project name and unit number when remitting funds. "


    I know I am thick so could someone tell me where it is on BOT website. I cannot find it

  19. The vast majority of Farang come from the worlds richest nations.The Thais have not got tougher to make sure that we have enough money.They already know we have enough money! What they want is the extra revenue ,imo.Generated by the purchase of visa's from embassies/consulates and maybe they also want less farang living inside Thailand.

    This is, IMHO, the most likely explanation for the entire thing. Not only does it generate revenue from visas but by forcing more foreigners to go legal, also generates additional tax revenue.

    If extra revenue was the reason they could have got that by charging the 30 day "visa runners" baht 2000 (what they pay the visa run companies) to renew their visa exempt stay at the local immigration office. The government would have raked in a fortune. As for taxes, who can blame the government if that is part of the reason. Just about anywhere you go if you earn money the tax man wants his share.

  20. Thanks for the replies. I was hoping I had missed a press release or something, but it is now clear that even the banks dont know. It was a very inexpensive condo I was buying, but I dont want to risk tying up the extra 30% for a year interest free. I feel a bit guilty because the seller has cleared out the furniture for me, which will make it harder for them to sell or rent out. But it aint my fault.

    Asia Property Report - December 20 - news

    Thai Property immune from Baht regulations

    The Thai property industry is breathing a collective sigh of relief following an announcement by the Bank of Thailand that property – including land and condominiums – is exempt from the new reserve requirement on short-term capital inflows.

    The announcement was posted on their website Wednesday, clearing up some of the confusion surrounding the Bank’s measures.

    This means foreign purchasers of condominiums can bring funds into Thailand to purchase condominium property. According to a major local bank, foreign condominium purchasers should clearly state the project name and unit number when remitting funds.

    Ms. Aliwassa Pathnadabutr, managing Director of CB Richard Ellis Thailand said, “We welcome this clarification which means that foreign property purchasers are not affected by the new regulations. We believe that this will reassure existing and potential property purchasers.”

    Complete article :


    This is another press/property agent report. I cannot find it on the BOT website. I admit I am pretty thick so could someone point out to me where it is.

  21. "DrNaam. Could you please post where it says that property is exempt as I cant find it. It would be much appreciated."



    let's not go back but deal with the present situation as that's much easier. the fact is that all restrictions have been lifted again except the one concerning the purchase of short term bonds denominated in THB.

    that's what my bank (Siam Commercial Bank) told me yesterday. important is (much more than it was before) that any transfer should be explicitly "labelled", e.g. "investment immobile property" or "living cost Thailand 2007" or "purchase of new car", etc, etc., etc. thus ruling out the undesired "short term temporary inflow of foreign capitalfor the purpose of currency speculation".

    i am not in a position to judge whether the information from SBC is 100% correct or whether the BOT has again amended the measures.

    So as facts go...er...it isn't one!

    Well it might be a fact......but then again it might not.

    I appreciate DrNaam has meant well trying to put people straight, but the fact is he does not know, I do not know and you do not know. What we need is authoratative information. That can only come from BOT. Problem is I do not think that even they know. Headless chickens seldom know what is going on.

  22. Here is the original statement:

    The Reserve Requirement on Short-Term Capital Inflows Dr. Tarisa Watanagase, Governor of the Bank of Thailand (BOT), announced that despite recent measures aiming at discouraging short-term capital inflows and limiting Thai baht speculation, short-term speculative inflows of various forms continue to persist, as evidenced by the volatility of the Thai baht and its rapid pace of appreciation.

    The BOT, therefore, decided to implement an unremunerated reserve requirement on short-term capital inflows. Financial institutions are required to withhold 30 percent of foreign currencies bought or exchanged against the Thai baht, except those related to trades in goods and services, or repatriation of investments abroad by residents. The details of the measure and related operational procedures are summarized as follows:

    1. After one year, customers whose foreign currencies have been withheld can request for refunds by submitting related evidence to prove that the funds have been in Thailand for at least one year.

    2. Once financial institutions have examined and certified the one-year minimum stay period, they shall inform the BOT to return the funds, through them, to their customers.

    3. Should any customers wish to repatriate their funds earlier than one year, they would be refunded only two-thirds of the amount.

    4. Foreign exchange transactions which have been traded prior to 19 December 2006 are exempt from this reserve requirement.

    5. Foreign direct investments or unrequited transfers would initially be subject to the reserve requirement but shall be refunded upon submission of supporting evidence through financial institutions. Once financial institutions have examined and certified the legitimacy of such claims and the BOT deems it appropriate, the BOT shall promptly return the full amount.

    6. Financial institutions shall remit the required reserves, in the form of foreign currencies, to the BOT on the 7th of the subsequent month.

    7. The earnings received from this measure would be earmarked for public benefits.

    In order to regulate foreign short-term capital inflows, several countries have imposed reserve requirements on such inflows during critical times. The BOT views that the present situation warrants the introduction of such measure to prevent speculative pressure on the Thai baht. The BOT will closely monitor and assess the impact of this measure.

    Bank of Thailand

    18 December 2006

    Here is part 1 of the amendment:

    "1. Foreign currencies bought or exchanged against baht for equity investments in the SET in MAI and in TFEX(futures) and AFET(agrifutures) are exempt from the 30% reserve requirement. Financial institutions shall ensure that such foreign exchange transactions are for the aforementioned purposes."

    Parts 2,3,and 4 are only detail.

    Although in the original statement it talks about "short term capital inflows" being subject to withholding who is to decide what is short term? Although one would hope property money is exempt nowhere do I see a rescindment of the clear quote in a previous post that any effect on property funds would stand.

    More to the point when I called my local banker, at a pretty main branch for foreign transactions, just now to ask about the 30% and equity or property funding she said they just don't know. Ergo sending funds for either would be demented.

    You obviously have an honest bank to admit that they do not know. Reading this and other threads most banks (as well as agents and the press) are guessing and puttting their own interpretation on things. To me buying property is basically a long term thing, but not everyone sees it that way. I suspect some banks are holding on to the 30% to be safe knowing that it will be easier to give it back to the customer later than the other way round.

    Until BOT gets it's act together and gives clear clarification none of us know what is happening for sure.

  23. Try reading the press.

    Thanks bub, but as of last reading it seems they have reversed the measure on the stock market segment only. My bank still claims it will withhold 30%. Try posting something of use next time.

    So far I did not find any official articles who said U turn for Property withholding tax ....

    so still looking for answer as well.


    Just put below post on another thread. Does not answer you, but I think we will have to wait a few days for the air to clear

    QUOTE(Dr. Naam @ 2006-12-21 14:11:03)

    where are the moderators to stop misinformation?

    I do not think there is misinformation. Problem is BOT is not be explicit enough.


    This is the BOT original press release. Does not make it clear if it relates to property buying. (To me that is not short term, but others do not see it my way) No mention of US$ 20,000 limit.


    is the latest BOT release. Property is not mentioned. So, if it was included in the first place, it still is. Most press comments are speculation, some obviously ill informed..

    Confused? Me too. And so is BOT!! Until BOT gets it's act together there will continue to be confusion.

  24. where are the moderators to stop misinformation? :o

    I do not think there is misinformation. Problem is BOT is not be explicit enough.


    This is the BOT original press release. Does not make it clear if it relates to property buying. (To me that is not short term, but others do not see it my way) No mention of US$ 20,000 limit.


    is the latest BOT release. Property is not mentioned. So, if it was included in the first place, it still is. Most press comments are speculation, some obviously ill informed..

    Confused? Me too. And so is BOT!! Until BOT gets it's act together there will continue to be confusion.

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