Sadly, Thailand will probably have to wait until most the dinosaurs are 6ft under until any tangible change occurs.
Contrary to popular belief I actually interact with Thais from all across the social strata and age groups.
I have noticed a trend.
Those born before 1990 tend to have a more conservative view on life. They have been well indoctrinated by the Thai school system and can remember a time without the internet. They are, imo, mostly a lost cause. They still have deep feelings for the establishment and are reluctant to any form of drastic change. Of course there are exceptions, but generally this is what I have noticed..
Those born post 1990 are somewhat different, and those born post 2000 are most certainly different. They are progressive, well informed, mailable, open minded and resourceful. They are screaming for change and many are quite embarrassed to live here and always ask me why do I live here when they are so desperate to leave..
If you extrapolate that over Thai society as a whole, then I fear it may be another two decades or so before the youth of today finally get what they want.