got myself into a right state last night. starting drinking around 10am, was paraletic throwing up at 9.
made a bit of a scene in one pub, fell of my stool, told the waitress I loved her and gave her a 500 baht tip.
bought a chicken kebab with extra sauce, dropped it on the floor and the soi dogs came and mopped it up.
a LB wanted me to go with her for short time as she saw the state I was in and thought this will be a quick win.
gave that a pass and almost threw up.
got into a taxi and fell asleep on the driver who was less than pleased when he had to wake me up on the back sit.
i got to my door, lit a fag and began to ponder <deleted> am I doing with my life, seriously.
next time i go out im having a full breakast before any booze passes my lips.
drinking on an empty stomach, it aint big and it aint cleever.