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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. cambodia if you like it wild. vietnam if you like it regimented and serious.
  2. so do I. it's just that the governor was on holiday yesterday but he is back with a vengence now!
  3. when i was a kid growing up everyone in my family enjoyed a drink, most still do. it's only the boring ones who dont. the fact is when you are sober and everyone else is having a drink you are a BORE!.
  4. you sound like fun. maybe your should be living in tibet, not thailand. did you get out at the wrong airport?
  5. sounds like he has a big share in a mask factory somewhere up country. keep wearing your ... if you wish, i for one aint gonna play.
  6. i tried sobriety once. it was the worst 5 minutes of my life. drinking is a social thing until its not. i very rarely get into the state i was in last night. maybe once or twice a year tops. normally i just have a couple quiet drinks of an evening. i dont consider it to be a problem.
  7. yep. im a grown man, i no the dangers. tbh im just not bothered. thanks for your concern thoguh.
  8. got myself into a right state last night. starting drinking around 10am, was paraletic throwing up at 9. made a bit of a scene in one pub, fell of my stool, told the waitress I loved her and gave her a 500 baht tip. bought a chicken kebab with extra sauce, dropped it on the floor and the soi dogs came and mopped it up. a LB wanted me to go with her for short time as she saw the state I was in and thought this will be a quick win. gave that a pass and almost threw up. got into a taxi and fell asleep on the driver who was less than pleased when he had to wake me up on the back sit. i got to my door, lit a fag and began to ponder <deleted> am I doing with my life, seriously. next time i go out im having a full breakast before any booze passes my lips. drinking on an empty stomach, it aint big and it aint cleever.
  9. lack of education breads an ignorant populace. half of the grown ups in rural areas never even finished high school, what did you expect?
  10. cheers bro, have a good night
  11. maybe someone can pull up the page to show you from the archives. im 3 sheets to the wind now m8 on my stool, cant be bothered myself
  12. why go for hamburgers when you can have japanese wagyu? after my most recent expeirence last week I am never going above 25 again!
  13. does this law apply to foreigners as well or only thais? asking for a friend.
  14. you are not the only one bro.. just imagining her shape is enough to send me into a fenzy.
  15. start making her fish and chips for dinner every night and tell her this is what you've got to look forward to. she will soon change her tune..
  16. maybe you have been there done that but i havent. the vast majority of girls i have spent time with have all truly enjoyed my company. my text message inbox can attest to that. 'bob, when are you coming to satisfy me again?' 'i miss my lap dog, come here and feed me again bobby' 'its just not the same when you arent here big bob. ' to name a few.. go figure, some guys just have all the game.
  17. i couldnt care less mate. when shes with me shes with me. im just worried that after 25 she will lose her figure, only time will tell.
  18. my girls body was bangin bro. and I mean bangin. 10/10 and already penciled in another date for a meetup before some monger gets his greasy hands on her and ruins her.
  19. this is how I live my life mate. casual is my middle name ????
  20. i've had a few such experience over the years. I once met a dark skinned beauty in krabi, we had an absolute ball friday, saturday & sunday. We went to breakfast on Monday and i gave her a tip, she said i didnt have to but i felt obliged. she paid for breakfast and then caught a bus to god knows where. my last memory was of her driving off into the sunset and a little bar a few doors down playing the eagles... these kind of memories last a life time.
  21. if she was acting then she deserves on oscar for that performance. she was natural as hell, gave a whole new meaning to the term 'method acting.'
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