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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. i learned the hard way on that one dude. wont be doing that again anytime soon.. lol
  2. last night I met a lovely girl (23yrs old) and she was incredible. white skin, perfect body, awesome smile and a bubbly personality to boot. she was definitely marriage material and if she wasn't a working girl I would seriously consider asking her out. I asked her why she doesnt study or work in an office etc and she explains to me her english not good enough and she needs to send money to mum and dad every month. after our few hours of fun together I gave her a very generous tip and told her I would see her again soon. I sat at the bar for a few hours after that in a complete and utter daze, my head was in dreamland and I felt truly alive. I could tell that she enjoyed my company and it didnt feel forced one bit. she loved it and i did too... sometimes, every once in a while something will happen to you out here that makes you feel truly alive. this was one of those moments. I cant wait to see her again.
  3. thats why I posted this in the first place bryan, to help me try and understand! for the life of me I cannot.. do you get it ???? when we dont know the answer to something us well educated folk ask questions!
  4. where I come from its free. still doesnt make me want to go see a doctor for a bruised shin. bit of a daft comment from you again bryan
  5. This post was not meant to be about the fact that they visit hospitals because there are no GP. its about why are they so easy to see a dr in the first place, regardless of their ailment. i mean a stubbed toe is hardly a valid reason to go see a quack but here they expect you to be on a drip for it and sleep in over night! its madness.
  6. ignorance runs ignorance is rampant here, thats for sure.
  7. Excellent analysis my friend. Right on the money I would say!
  8. why do thai people seem to check into a hospital for even a cough or a sneeze? why do they send their kids for the slightest ailment to stay in a hospital ward complete with drip and breathing apparatus. when I was a kid i can count on one hand the amount of times I visited a hospital. here it's like a family day out, oh i've got a cough lets go to the hospital. can anyone shed some light on this matter? is it cultural?
  9. I have yet to stumble across a single one! spineless the lot of them.
  10. Thailand: The Land Of Thugs
  11. poor young girl. I hope she smashes her studies and becomes a shining light in the world for others.
  12. I just want to tsay that the 90 day report online was a breeze. first time for doing it online, 2 minuts to fill out and confirmation within 24hours. brilliant service, well done immigration and keep up the excellent work! bravo.
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  13. calm down Loo
  14. asking that out here is an exercise in futility mate. most thai dishes contain MSG
  15. you treating me then ? i will need to be compensated for spending time with you bryan
  16. you talkin from experience there bryan? do you get on well with people like that?
  17. underestimate away brudda. I could buy you out with a flick of the finger Bryan!
  18. more than you!
  19. im fine. the waiter is on a down hill bro, not me with my $$$ in the bank. i can afford tomahwak steaks with caviar on the side every night for the rest of my life if i wanted to. i dont want to tho, i just want a cheap beer.
  20. i dont want msg food that hasnt been cooked properly. i would rather have mcdonalds, at least you know what you are getting! mcdonalds and bottled beers only for moi, better safe than sorry!
  21. oh ye. i forgot it was my responsibility to pay their rent ????
  22. been hitting the pubs a lot recently and i gotz thinking about something interesting. everyhwere i go the waiter or waitrss wants me to buy food.. but not asking in like a casual sense, like a forceful gesture and when you say no they turn their noses up at you and walk away. i will however sit there and drink 10 beers no issue. whats the deal? why am i being shamed into buying food when im not eben hungry? all i wanna do is get hammered, not have a dang banquet. leave me alone and let me drown my sorrows quietly. sheesh
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