no lies bro. she got a iphone 11 can book rooms like nobody buisness. she wanting me go korat after koh changy meet mum and dad i say sweet leaf bro life is too short to be bozo!
was in the pub last night and a big old american sat next to me with his goregous girl, 23yrs old
the plonger fell asleep in his stool and left his sober girl looking perplexec.
i took her by the hand and offered to buy her a drink and she agreed.
she stayed at mine last night and is still here now after breakfgast,
we are going to koh change together tomorroe for a romantic trip away.
she has already forgot about the daft old git who fell asleep on her.
what a wally. snooze you lose fella hehehehe.
many men also like what i like bro. chill, its all good. yes im drinking and maybe bit drunk, my wife is watching me type, i should be quiet maybe. she eating som tam watching channel 3. cant wait to go outside l8r
i also think so mayte. sometimes 3 times a day is not enough for me, with differnt women i mean. any help avalable out there? or is it only chemical castration that will do the job lol