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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. koh changy in the morning with my new girl. just me, her and the open road. not a cares in the world bro. dont be jealous bro, god loves you.
  2. no lies bro. she got a iphone 11 can book rooms like nobody buisness. she wanting me go korat after koh changy meet mum and dad i say sweet leaf bro life is too short to be bozo!
  3. Dont be like dat bro. I got nuthin but love for you man
  4. you what bro?
  5. why is scubabuba battling me?
  6. what do u mean bro
  7. i dont fall asleep on bar stools bro
  8. did you seem me in the bar then
  9. didnt pay even 1 baht,. she has paid for the hotel in koh changy
  10. he probably still sleeping now whilst i. b on the couch with his love
  11. there nothing boy about this bird bro. she is alllll woman kiss
  12. was in the pub last night and a big old american sat next to me with his goregous girl, 23yrs old the plonger fell asleep in his stool and left his sober girl looking perplexec. i took her by the hand and offered to buy her a drink and she agreed. she stayed at mine last night and is still here now after breakfgast, we are going to koh change together tomorroe for a romantic trip away. she has already forgot about the daft old git who fell asleep on her. what a wally. snooze you lose fella hehehehe.
  13. Mayte the masks. Its the eyes innit bro, them asian cone to bed eyes.
  14. My willy still ok matexd. Dont worry about my liver
  15. I cant. Am an alcoholic
  16. i think so too mayte. i will keep doing it, tonight should be fun!
  17. no. been playing with girls since my very early youth. why do u ask?
  18. i like all those things. but i also like regular strange encounters with random women. i dont thik incan stop bro and stillneed feeding yo
  19. many men also like what i like bro. chill, its all good. yes im drinking and maybe bit drunk, my wife is watching me type, i should be quiet maybe. she eating som tam watching channel 3. cant wait to go outside l8r
  20. why we wasting time bro? i like my dinner on the table every night, that is why i am married sir
  21. i never say im fed up with thailand bro. please read m posts again. i said i had enuf with immigration here. i lvoe thailand and the thai girls ayeeee
  22. ok. thaks for your valuable analysis. where can i get help?
  23. i also think so mayte. sometimes 3 times a day is not enough for me, with differnt women i mean. any help avalable out there? or is it only chemical castration that will do the job lol
  24. sadly not in bkk right now bro but willb soon! ike i aid tho, not sure if the mrs would be so keen. can always ask!
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