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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. theres nobody better than me mayte.
  2. she 33. slim build, 5' 7 and physically fit. interested? lolol
  3. to b honest mayte at this point i dont think it ould bother me. I often find myself fantastisng about having anothr man have his way with her whilst i watch. i few times ive been close to asking some random bloke if he is game ut as of yet i have not. im sure my wife would not be willing to do something like that as she is completely besotted with me.
  4. no matter how much i try i cannot help myself when it comes to extramarital activities. every time I have a few beers my midnd is firmly focused on the opposite sex. take this morning for instance, i was still hungover from last night and i was walking to 7/11. a good looking middle aged woman grabbed me and asked me do i want massage. i could not help it, i went in fr full service, extras and all. i actually get a sick enjoyment out of knowing that i have cheaed on my wife. i know many of you may find this awful and call me sick or whatever but the truth is i love it. i lvoe my wife too so i cannot let her go bt i cant get my mind off getting my next fix tonight with another random stranger. do i need help gyuss???
  5. You sir are a clown. Keep it up
  6. There is no 90 day reporting in the west for any foreign national. I fail to see your point
  7. keeep tellin yerself that m8 if it makes you feel better
  8. some of us have more self respect i guess. each to their own though m8
  9. and wats this about them wanting to 'lure' wealthy foreigners to the country?? wht welahty dude in their right mind wants to move here and report themselves every 90 days to some IO who just graduated from the police academy. got richard branson adnd jeff bezos chompin at the bit i bet ????
  10. why do they need to keep tabs on us??? its like something out of 1984, innit?? dont tell me, 'it'd their country their rules, right?' lol lol
  11. i would just like to say that I love thailand and love living here. I do however take issue with being made to feel like a criminal every 90 days with these juvenile reports. Did I get off at the wrong station? are we in North Korea?? only kidding, well kind of. Goin back to the multi entry visas will allow me to kill 2 birds with one stone: get a nice shiny new visa sticker in m passport every 15 months and have a dirty weekend away from the pryin eyes of the mrs. them lao birds are alright ya know! hehehe
  12. Sorry bro, its not the case. Different offices require different papers. Some offices its easy peasy and others its a living nightmare. As always, no consistency here
  13. I dont agree with that sentiment at all.
  14. Nothing about covid? Insurance? Vaccine proof? Has all that gone?
  15. Hi everyone, long term resident in los here and a new member if this forum! I have been living here for years with my wife on multiple marriage extensions but im coming to the end of my tether to be honest. The hurdles keep getting higher and the goal posts are perpetually moving. When it comes to renewing my visa this year im opting for the multi entry visa instead. Be nice to get away from the wife for a few days a year anyway, know what I mean fellas! ???? anyway, how desperate are you lot to remain here? I mean if they asked for a pic of you and the mrs on the job would you oblige? Where does too much become too much for you? The amount of papers and pictures required just to stay here now is insane and I aint playin their games no more brothers!!
  16. Thanks a lot! I have been on marriage extensions here for years but have had enough of the bureaucratic khow towing to immigration. Plus i may be relocating overseas soon for work. Thanks for your help and do you know what are the current requirements at the land border with mukdahan and sv’khet? Are the doors open as usual. Thanks my friend.
  17. Hello. Is it still possible to obtain a non O multi entry visa based on marriage in Savannakhet without the 400K proof? Thanks in advance.
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