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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. it was like that for a longggggggg time. I remember when I first arrived you had guys that had been living here for 20/30 years on T visa exemptions and border bounces. It was only in the mid 2010's that they started tightening the screws with this whole good guys in, bad guys out nonsense. long may the free-for-all continue imo. bob.
  2. excellent news. always good to have an option to fall back on in case for whatever reason you don't quite meet the requirements for your usual visa. open them floodgates baby, let's have some fun! bob.
  3. last time I renewed mine it took exactly 3 weeks. this was before covid and done with vfs global. bob.
  4. why should it be that? bob.
  5. ...I'd still give them both a sensual foot massage though. bob.
  6. hit the nail on the head mate 😉 bob.
  7. mrs. smith's net worth when we first met was about 10x that of mine. now we are at parity. bob.
  8. does she have ID Line? bob.
  9. i've heard stories about the marriage police knocking on doors that are known to house mixed race couples and demanding to see marriage permits. not sure how much truth there is to that but that is what i've heard. bob.
  10. what's the dating scene like there? isn't it illegal for a Lao woman to sleep with a foreigner unless they are married? bob.
  11. well, mr. 2baht, I am hoping that collectively we will have enough marriage experience between us all to make a decent enough comparison.. feel free to share yours if you want! bob.
  12. ...I don't mind the odd bit of sausage myself every now and then. though I am sure these blokes were being taken for a ride... literally!! bob.
  13. she respects the fact that I have needs and those needs to be met regularly. I always use condoms and I think she quite likes it. she's watched me a few times on the job. bob.
  14. all mrs. smiths friends are successful, well educated women with good jobs. They are also all spoken for, sadly, with the vast majority of them preferring only Thai men. bob.
  15. I was out and about again the other day in another tourist spot. why I keep going I'll never know.. anyway I saw a few fresh tourists walk past me with what I am presuming they thought were women.. One look at their feet told me all I needed to know.. bob.
  16. where is mrs. budgen from if you don't mind me asking? bob.
  17. No. But there was a lengthy interrogation process. bob.
  18. I think you missed the point. I too would have walked out and possibly even spat on the floor as I was doing so! bob.
  19. I have noticed that, in general, restaurant standards seem to have slipped dramatically post covid. smaller portion sizes, price increases, shoddy service, cold beer, the list goes on.. I used to love eating out but now it's becoming a chore. I think cooking at home with a liter of the red stuff is the way to go moving forward. bob.
  20. Just any car with aircon will do and I will settle for a canoe. I'm not fussy.. bob.
  21. don't you think that good Thai wives have that special something though? bob.
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