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bob smith

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Everything posted by bob smith

  1. I don't know you either. In fact, I had never heard of you until you posted on my thread. bob.
  2. I wont. That's me done with them. they have lost a customer. I'm the one with the money and I certainly don't need to wait on people to pay my rent. it's their loss, not mine. bob.
  3. is it because I roo mak? bob.
  4. She’s alright sue. …In small doses bob.
  5. …you’re not the other one, are you? bob.
  6. …that has absolutely nothing to do with me, fred. bob.
  7. nah. that’s for your threads pal. (..where are they btw?) bob.
  8. what’s wrong with that? bob.
  9. I know right. If only I had been here in the 1950’s… That said, waitresses should serve to the standard that is required. If you don’t like your job then don’t come to work. end of. bob.
  10. haven’t been to poo ket for years. bob.
  11. But I am a paying customer……. Not a tipping one anymore though. bob.
  12. what has that got to do with me?? bob.
  13. you have no mates. bob.
  14. DO NOT call me mate. you are no mate of mine. bob.
  15. …a bit like you then? in all seriousness Malcolm, if you want to post on my thread then do try and keep it on topic. bob.
  16. It wouldn’t bother me so much if I was a first time customer. But i’ve been to this place many, many times. they know who I am. and they also know that I speak Thai. perhaps there lies the crux of the issue? maybe I should only ever play the dumb tourist going forward. complete with wife beater vest, elephant pants and NY cap. bob.
  17. I’m now back in my home? or the place that I call home,. i.e the area where I do my visa.. I’ve just been for a meal at a regular hangout of mine. Never again! The service was so lousy it was unbelievable. I ordered my usual. It was thrown down on the table with no ‘enjoy your meal’ or anything. they didn’t even look at me, when I asked to pay my bill the woman threw the wallet down on the table. no thank you, no nice to see you again. nothing. I have been visiting this place a few times a year for about 10 years or so.. what is going on? was it the clothes I was wearing? was it my cologne? or is it simply like some here have said.. they just don’t like regulars, particularly well integrated regulars who can speak the lingo. something isn’t right. it seems they love the green, fresh off the boat tourists but have no time at all for regulars who usually tip well. i’ve done with tipping now. until the standard of service in this country improves they wont be getting another penny out of me!! bob.
  18. nah. I’m not going for it. regards, bob.
  19. That is just silly! regards, bob.
  20. …Livin the dream, eh Jeffers! bob.
  21. Don’t be lazy, suzy. bob.
  22. money is no object. I just want a bit of adventure. thanks for the post, I think I know what to do now. bob.
  23. thanks Frits. that is a really good start point! bob.
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