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Everything posted by degrub

  1. Read somewhere (BP , Nation ?), yesterday or today, that river levels in Phitsanulok to Ayutthaya were stable , if that is any help.
  2. Heat is used to shape acrylic sheet. So, when it falls out or forms a gravity well, you’ll know it’s time to go get some window glass.
  3. Maybe there are multiple things going on. I’m assuming you are using MS Windows. If, by manually entering a tcp/ip address for your device and changing “get address automatically “ to “ manual” , you restore access to the internet, that means that a router with a DHCP server is not active on your LAN AND the ip address lease on your device is uncommonly short duration. Your device should not be loosing its IP address just because of a power failure on the network. It retains its address until its address lease expires or it is rebooted. If you are entering a tcp/ip address in the field “preferred dns server” or “alternate dns server”, then that indicates that the dns server you would normally access, either automatically or manually, is not reachable. So , figuring out where that failure is occurring depends on if the device in your room is a router or an access point. Is the device provided by the building management or by you ? Does building management provide the access to the internet or do you ? If you go to windows start menu and enter cmd in the search box, select the cmd program entry and type ipconfig /all it will return the details of all of your network configuration including your current ip address and lease expiration, DHCP server ip address, DNS server addresses, and default gateway. you can do this when everything is working and when it stops working to see what, if anything, has changed. You can run the PING command to determine if the ip address for the DHCP server, the DNS server, and the Gateway are reachable from your device. ping for example.
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