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Everything posted by degrub

  1. Poppycock. http://www.classicalnotes.net/classics2/brandenburg.html “ Yet, despite the philosophical depth of such analyses and the extraordinary density and logic of Bach's conception that leads academics to fruitfully dissect his scores, commentators constantly remind us that the Brandenburgs were not intended to dazzle theorists or challenge intellectuals, but rather for sheer enjoyment by musicians and listeners. ”
  2. Consider CBT - cognitive behavioral therapy can work for those details.
  3. One for birds, one for sheets, one for clothes. Twice a week.
  4. We always had 3/16 in. vinyl covered wire rope spanning about 12 m anchored to 3 in. steel pipe “ T “ with a 6-8 in. tensioner. Pipe T was set about 3-4 ft deep in concrete. Three runs of wire. Still standing and in use today.
  5. Try the Traditional Farmer Diet then - 12 hrs out in the fields working - 1,000 calories of food for the day
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