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  1. I've had the same thoughts, and a couple of weeks ago, I joined the neta V facebook group. Its all in thai, but you can accept automatic translation. And actually I've changed ideas about the neta v. Not that I'm against repairing cars myself, but not even the dealers or service agents can get spare parts. Also there seem to be multiple failures in the same car, starting from inside door knobs cracking off, until water in the gear box oil? do they have gear boxes? aircon seems to break in all of them.
  2. Looks like they liked your promotion video and they are asking for more. I would spend a couple of hours learning basic video editing and make them another one with " Bluetech warranty scam..." yellow title in the picture ... That's probably the only thing you can do. But maybe you can become a youtube star and get your money back in this way. Thanks for letting us know about this company. As this gentleman said:
  3. Seems a pocket car for the price of a netaV, not gonna come to TH.
  4. I wonder if in Thailand mealworm is allowed to be mixed into bread, cheese, fruits etc. like it is now in the EU. To increase health and wellbeing of EU citizens, and as there has always been a high demand of mealworm powder, the EU clowns have legalized upto 4% of mealworm in bread, and other foods. Here is the link to the EU bulletin: 2025/89 of 20 January 2025 authorising the placing on the market of UV-treated powder of whole Tenebrio molitor larvae (yellow mealworm) as a novel food and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32025R0089 Long time ago they would have closed a bakery, if they had found such worms in the bread. But now are new times and new regulations.
  5. With the picture of the corrosion, they should not have asked for more. These companies fear social media posts. If you could make a shake free video with a tripod, you would get some thumbs up and comments.
  6. Yeah, thanks, that seems good! The first post I saw has a towbar.
  7. Yeah seems the right way of thinking. The kWh is your Diesel. For 10L of Diesel or for 20kWh you can drive 100km. Tiny cars might take a bit less, you will figure it out when you have yours and how it will perform with your driving style. Maybe you drive slowly, then you can do 100km with 12kWh or 7L of Diesel. And solar on your house is just the next logic step. Because you want free Diesel.
  8. Have you played with LiFePo4, especially the bigger cells, and brand new cells? You might be surprised how lightweight and how much less volume they have, compared to the same capacity as lead acid . My guess is that the same weight of LiFePo4 would give you maybe 4times the range of lead. The reason is that with LiFePo4 you can really use 80% of the capacity where lead will be destroyed very fast if you do this too often. What you might wish to stay away from is second hand LiFePo4 from Aliexpress or Lazada. These cells are half dead and each cell is different from the others, resulting in need for heavy balancing. But new CATL or similar brand cells directly from China are a good option and the price has dropped significantly. If the vehicle can run on lead acid, it can run on LiFePo4. With double the capacity of the LiFePo4 (because they are smaller and weigh only half) , your current draw would not stress these cells to a level where cooling is required. If this was the case, then your lead acid would already be boiling.
  9. Yeah this is very cruel to take dogs instead of horses 🙂 . You should go electric LOL
  10. Does this have a LiFePo4 battery? What specs do they provide for it? How long does it charge and what type of charger do you have?
  11. No subsidy, but they can provide a pickup for under 1M. I expected people to jump on any electric pickup, but this seems not the case. Diesel seems still too cheap at 40B and a pickup only takes 10L/100km LOL. I suppose the BYD shark will also not be produced in TH.
  12. Seems ok for short trips. How is this seen legally by the Thai? Is this the same like these motorbike tricycles which are kind of illegal but nobody cares? There however I assume that most of them have an insurance for the motorbike.
  13. Yeah this is what wife says, can just let them deliver the stuff. Therefore the little digger... gives a reason for the Pickup 🙂 By the way, the excavator in the picture is also electric. 60k B , but they want 160kB delivery from China LOL.
  14. Yeah, actually this gives a good reason to buy the Riddara. The aim is to get half a palette of concrete blocks and some cement, 2m solar panels etc. from time to time. A trailer would be nice here. Also I feel the need for one of these little diggers. They weigh from 550kg + . Let's hope 2025 is as bad for EV as the previous year, with another big round of price cuts.
  15. Does anyone have seen or heard about tow bars for trailers on any of the more budget like EVs? I know that the Thai don't use trailers that much, but maybe some rural area guy would have this? Most likely the BYD shark would have this option, but even the Riddara pickup would still be at the very upper end of my budget. Therefore the most reasonable option for me would be some Neta, Dolphin or so with a tow bar and a trailer which I would bring from europe.
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