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Everything posted by BostonJoe

  1. Saw him in 711 about 2 months ago my wife pointed him out to me and said the police are looking for him for murder.He definitely wasn't hiding
  2. I can keep the income in the trust and have the trust loan me money with a written contract I'm hoping this will work in my favor load the thia revenue with legal docs they will never understand the Trust is and stays in America never comes to thailand I do appreciate the response and need to look into what you have said
  3. The new tax laws are aimed at personal income . In America everything is set up ln a trust all the commercial properties are owned by the trust I basically make nothing as the trust is a different entity than me How will the new laws effect me
  4. On thing we all know for sure that it's not in England
  5. One more American finding out that yes other countries do enforce there immigration laws Surprise
  6. For the 2 fellow Americans Yes other countries do enforce there imagination laws unlke America
  7. Wearing a Rolex sceams look at me I'm successful but usually not successful The problem being in thailand you don't want to attract that kinda of attention it could get you robbed
  8. Are you in America if so boatwise is a great place to check out you can even take lessons from a captain on handling and navigation as the say in the states if you can buy it you can drive it no captain Lic needed unless you're fir hire charters
  9. Advise it all depends on what you bought twin screw or single. Do you plan on using it in salt or freshwater Are you trailering it of leaving in the water at a marina
  10. Walmart offers the cheapest monthly plan without a contract Straighttalk.com
  11. I was never asked to sign anything at the land office
  12. Dual pricing saved you An analysis of 31 pools and hot tubs found the sweetener -- or evidence of urine -- in every single one. On average, there were 8 gallons of urine in a 110,000-gallon pool and nearly 20 gallons of urine in a 220,000-gallon pool, which is about one-third of an Olympic-sized pool Happy swimming
  13. c621359a-6144-4f38-a5fb-066fee76555d.mp4
  14. So the contractor built the wall using black and skimming it with cement? Have you looked at the other side of the wall to see if it bows out? I know you put a lot of time and thought into this renovation that is not acceptable workmanship
  15. If the police do show up and climb under your wife's car You know they will find dog hair attached to a bolt or something . I owned a Collision shop back in the states When a customer hit an animal and drove it over the undercarriage is covered with evidence Good Luck
  16. Regular folk are you sure you fit into that category Regards Abby Normal
  17. Will her Brother be moving into the new house ? Thai Brother in-laws can be so helpful
  18. https://www.plakanresort.com Always nice https://www.guestreservations.com/away-kanchanaburi-dheva-mantra-resort-spa/booking?gclid=CjwKCAiAxP2eBhBiEiwA5puhNfYPpyt0BnTi_1EndiJPIACoOt8KYcUtssuYpfB6y0pLx9WmAWDF-hoCLOkQAvD_Bwe A bit out of town but really nice
  19. 3 questions Do you have the cash for the new lease in 11 years ? If not would leasing it out for 11 years give you the funds to purchase a new lease ? If I was selling you this property for 12 million would you buy it ?
  20. Wyoming canceled Liz Chaney and now they cancel electic cars. Impressive
  21. I guess I'll be getting covid again
  22. Looks like his PPI is going to be pretty high on this one Price Per Insertion
  23. Is it me or Does anyone else feel like they just don't like Whitey
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