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Everything posted by charleskerins

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 146 seconds  
  2. What guy the guy on your shoulder ? 555
  3. No it wasn't and your protestations are quite revealing pretty pathetic "He was found to have engaged in insurrection by a court" . that was my statement my statement is correct $1000
  4. Courts don't claim they find - they found he engaged in insurrection, that was my statement that statement is correct. The Colorado Supreme Court did not bring the suit a voter did based on the 14th amendment . The decision that was stayed was whether he could be on the ballot not whether he engaged in insurrection -which he did.
  5. more like old senile man with nuclear codes, joke of the world, shi.tting his pants in front of international dignitaries Who is Donald Von <deleted>tenz pants?
  6. They didn't reverse the insurrection they said he couldn't be kept off the ballot by a state . My statement was he was held by a court to have engaged in insurrection that statement is true.
  7. I smell desperation " ‘Idiot,’ ‘Dope,’ ‘Moron’: How Trump’s aides have insulted the boss" author Rebecca Morin
  8. Colorado Supreme Court Anderson v Griswold
  9. Now you don't know the definition of welched . . I didn't post any false claims and all you have to do is go back to our original dialogue I have $1000 that what I stated and you said was false is true.
  10. Says a guy that posted trash . leftist is that your go to word? I still have the $ 1000 bet offer it will be easy to win against a leftist.
  11. oblivious to the meaning of the word insurrection another tenet of Magats
  12. you're trash another staple of Magats very afraid of intelligent women , insecure around independent women
  13. Can't handle the truth a staple of Magats
  14. "why he withdraw" Jonny F doesn't like liars HA
  15. Does the moderator know that Phillip wants to be in charge of who is posting? Learn to spell Phil ridiculous.
  16. 1 + 1 equal 2. He was found to have engaged in insurrection by a court . You saying I'm wrong doesn't dispute the facts. He also attempted to overthrow a free and fair election . You are oblivious to the obvious. Ain't no BS
  17. So you agree . He was found to have engaged in insurrection. Your BS excuses don't negate that ; it is what the majority of the court concluded. There was no impeachment trial . Hard to fail when it never happened . Just because R's and some of you Fascist lovers want to pretend he didn't engage in insurrection and he didn't try to overturn the election has no bearing on the fact that he did both. "As much as you and the Democratic Party wish it, it's never going to happen." It already happened .
  18. I made no false claims ,I made no claims I stated a fact. Is typical leftist your go to when you run out of cohesive thoughts? I will support it for a 1,000 bet . Put your money where your mouth is.
  19. Many folks on here have said how extremely difficult it is for a Thai to enter the US a friend in the states sent me this article asking for conjecture how did she get in the US? https://edition.cnn.com/travel/us-couple-moved-to-thailand-built-home/index.html
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