There is no way I would ever be your friend. You delve in nonsense ,falsehoods ,debunked conspiracy theories . You prattle on with Fox News BS (didn't they already get sued and lose) You are ignorant about some basic things
Comer already admitted he has no evidence.
James Biden and Joe Biden were private citizens in 2018 -duh. He loaned his brother 200k ,his brother paid him back it's not a crime in America to loan your brother money.
You don't know the definition of a Fascist. Here's an example -while you are the American President you order the police to attack peaceful protestors and clear the area so you can do a photo shoot holding a bible.
You don't know the definition of treason or an example of it - try this one -your campaign manager meets with Russians and uses their information on American voters to target them. Or how about this your son in law while you are President takes 2 billion from Saudi Arabia and helps their prince with damage control after he murdered an American journalist.
Dementia Joe is that a new nickname for the fool that thinks Obama is President and doesn't even know what city he is in (Sioux Falls )?
If you are an American I consider you an enemy not a friend ,if you are from another country continue on with your ignorance it is on no consequence to me.