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Jonny B

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Posts posted by Jonny B

  1. im looking to do some charity work and fundraising to help some less fortunate people here in thailand. Im interested in getting people help that may have a curable disease or physical condition that could be cured or fixed with some proper medical help at a reputable hospital or clinic which these people would never otherwise be able to afford.

    could anyone give me some ideas as to where to start, what diseases or physical conditions are common here amongst pooorer people that could be cured. I was thinking like sensory problems, eyesight/hearing etc problems. To give someone sight that had never had it would be amazing.

    im open to suggestions and where and how to contact people with such problems?


  2. I have a had a sore back for many years and basically just put up with it, somedays it hurts more than others. I do alot of exercise and core exercises, watch my weight and try to eat healthy. I do have a slight joint problem that contributes to it but for some years now after a adrenaline rush it becomes very painful.

    I have googled this and other people have reported the same problem with not much definate solutions. Basically the pain occurs after a sudden urge of adrenaline, so when come close to an accident or nearly get in a fight. It doesnt hurt during the event but immediately after there is such a numbing pain in my lower back that it can be debilitating depending on how tense the situation was. Ive read as much as i can the last couple days about it and from what i understand it has to do with the adrenal glands which are located just above the kidneys and naturally release adrenaline when needed. What i dont understand is why it effects my back so much afterwards and how the hell to cure it, hopefully fixing it will help to releave some of the back pain i often get. Some people say things that help are diet, accupuncture, accupressure, medications, herbal stuff, and naturopaths.

    Just wondering whether anyone has experienced this or has this problem and if youve seen anyone about it or fixed it. At this stage im thinking a good naturopath would be the way to go. Can anyone recommend a good one in Chonburi/pattaya, thai or farang.


  3. hey kenny, i use one all the time, the main brand is bushnell, the newer models work great and pick up the flag very easily and quickly, ive got an older model and it struggles a bit to pick it up, the newer model also has elevation calculation so if your playing a very steep hole it works out how much the slope it affecting and either reduces or adds it. im sure you can pick one up at a decent price on ebay mate, would be expensive to buy one brand new from thailand.

  4. so if got the double entry and it was valid for 6 months +, would still have to leave the country before 90 days and re-enter again, so its basically the same as getting another 60 day tourist visa without having to go and get the visa am i right?


    cheers, got it! guess the wife and kids could do that and brother would be out of the country often enough traveling that his visa wouldnt mater too much, however he would also want to play on the thai tour a bit so that could bring work permit issues into play also.

  5. A Visa exempt entry gives 30 days by air and 15 days by land.

    You may be able extend by 7 days to leave the country.

    A Tourist Visa gives 60 days and can be extended by 30 days at Immigration.

    You should be able to get a double entry which would give a total of almost 6 months.

    You might be able to get a triple entry which would give almost 9 months.

    hey, how does the double entry give you almost 6 months, i thought it just allowed you to enter twice within the 60 days or 90 days if get the 30 day extension? cheers

  6. my brother and his wife and 2 kids are thinking to move to thailand for a year or so. Hes 33 and a professional golfer, self employed, his wife is 31, unemployed and the 2 kids are 3 and 1 years old. They currently live in aus. I live here with my thai wife and they have both been here and know what to expect etc. can anybody tell me what visas they could apply for to be able to live here for 1 year?

    thanks for the help

  7. just bought myself a great new sea kayak from feelfree kayaks, bought it direct from the Joy Sports factory in bkk. Not only is the kayak fantastic but the customer service that i received from them was outstanding. If anyone is interested in this kayak or other models you should contact Khun Kidsada, his email is [email protected] and his phone number is 087-1654465. He was the one i dealt with and really looked after me price wise, sold me this kayak for 22000 baht, including a spray skirt, basic paddle {although i upgraded} and couple other smaller items. He said he could do this price for a while so just contact him and tell him Jonny recommended you. It looks a much better kayak for sea or long distance than their current Atlantis models and it handles great.

    if anyone requires more info just contact me and if you buy one and interested to do some trips im keen.


  8. Matt shot a 75, but not a word from potters....are you ok?

    Just got back to Bangkok.

    Unfortunately i had to miss the last 2 rounds as i was not

    feeling well at all and to be fair to Matt it would not have been a wise

    decision me going on the bag and the legging it off the course to the toilet or bushes.

    He said that he played well on saturday just a little unlucky.

    Sunday was looking real good after 9 holes at 2 under but a triple bogey on

    the par 3 which Matt said looked perfect from

    the tee but hung up in the wind and dropped

    short into the gully.

    Still a 1 over par final round was not too bad and he has things he can take away and work on.

    The new Callaway Razer driver worked well after the first day so it looks

    like it will be staying.

    So the Asian Tour Pros have a months break now before they play again,

    Matts back home to Dallas to play a few local events and practice.

    I will now wait till the Kings cup in December but may head down to Hua Hin for the LPGA event

    and see if i can pick up a bag for the week there.

    Keep you guys posted.



    hey potters, whats the LPGA event your talking about, i didnt see it on their schedule? cheers

  9. hey guys, ive been to samui many times and taking my brother and his family next month, really want to find some new places to take them, especially a couple nice bars or cocktail places at night, something a little classy would be nice. Also any not so well known places out of the tourist route would be good, a nice quiet beach for the kids also. Any new good value, quality eating places would be great also.

    thanks for any tips

  10. How much for the mega belly buster brekkie?

    2 eggs,

    2 bacon




    beans, the best quality brookes beans, same as heinz,

    tomatoes, tinned or fresh

    2 toast and jam, or marmalade

    large mug of english p.g tips tea or coffee

    & orange juice

    for 290 baht

    we also do vegetarian breakfast starting at 160 baht

    where r u located? thanks

  11. JonnyB - sorry this is off topic but can I ask how many kms you have been running CNG and have you had any running or engine problems? I've read valve seat resession can occur on honda engines so just interested. Thanks..

    hey culicine, im not too sure but i know its alot, il try and find our instalation papers and see if it says but i think at least 100,000. Nah havnt had any problems with it at all, the car was shaking and stalling not to long ago and after changing the spark plugs and adjusting some valve thing its been fine so i guess it had nothing to do with the gas, apart from that nothing else really. hope it helps.

    Thanks mate; yeah the plugs (did you use lpg/chg plugs) and adjusting the valve clearances are very important. Did the cng fitters do the valve clearances? Do you know if you use a "flashlube" kit? That will help with protecting the valves, apparently. Crossed fingers you won't won't have too many problems. Enjoy the savings I say:)

    sorry mate i cant remember which plugs i used but i dont think they were anything special, just the ones the shop has there, it wasnt a specific ngv service centre so i presume they were just standard ones. The shop i had do the valve clearances was just a local mechanic who also does gas instalation but not the shop i got the gas installed at, was only 400 baht for that and i watched them do it but not sure whats the flash lube kit? he did use some lubricant but only to seal the cover (not sure what u call it) back on.

    went back today to check those pipes as i dont think he really saw the cracks before, he said its not terribly urgent but can change them to be safe and would be less than 1000 baht, so still alot less than the service centre.

    yeah the savings have definately been worth it for us and dont regret doing it at all.


  12. JonnyB - sorry this is off topic but can I ask how many kms you have been running CNG and have you had any running or engine problems? I've read valve seat resession can occur on honda engines so just interested. Thanks..

    hey culicine, im not too sure but i know its alot, il try and find our instalation papers and see if it says but i think at least 100,000. Nah havnt had any problems with it at all, the car was shaking and stalling not to long ago and after changing the spark plugs and adjusting some valve thing its been fine so i guess it had nothing to do with the gas, apart from that nothing else really. hope it helps.

  13. cheers mate, checked the other hoses and they all seem fine, this hose seems to be independant of the others and just runs from that box to other connection, not very long. nway will double check at the mechanic with misses 2morro to be sure, wouldnt want her having problems while im away.

    cheers mate

    Hope it helps, next time come here and post some pictures first and there is likely to be someone who can give you some advice before you go in..

    yeah cheers will do mate, thanks for that.

  14. hey guys, thanks for that, yeah bedrockguesthouse she is fluent in both, probably better than me in english sills sometimes i think, haha. anyway yeah ive checked that sight out a little, will have to have a closer look as i didnt notice how to find the companies/businesses on there, im sure its there somewhere.


    Click on "Members Directory" and then "Select by Industry Type"

    ahh ur a legend, was just looking for it, great timing, thanks mate.

  15. Not trying to be an apologist as lord knows I've no confidence in the mechanics here but "if it ain't broke don't fix it" doesn't apply well with parts maintenance on cars though, only the Thai engineering techniques they consistently apply over the original factory engineering. Items such as tie wire to reattach a broken throttle or clutch cable for example instead of replacing it...

    This is especially true if it may be a GAS related fitting or something. Your description of the actual part/parts tells us nothing of it's need or purpose but if it is related to the gas system could be a serious problem they were trying to avert. If for example those "scratches" you refer to are dry rotted hoses that are about to fracture and leak gas, you maybe in for a barbecue featuring at minimum your car but worse case someone you love or yourself as the main course..

    The price of the parts is directly related to the type and model of car or gas system and being Thailand has nothing to do with your impressions of what it SHOULD cost in this case, no way to tell since you haven't mentioned make or anything and no proper parts descriptions..

    hey warpspeed, i understand what you mean and i dont want to put anyobodies life in danger but sometimes u just know when ur getting ripped off and this was one of them, so just trying to warn others incase they go there double check what they tell. not sure if you know the gas system well then but ive attached a couple pics of the pipe, the white arrows point to the pipe and it joins that little black box top right of the pic, the 2nd pic shows the cracks, ive tested them to see if any air/gas comes out and nothing does, they seem very deep at all.



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