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still kicking

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Everything posted by still kicking

  1. is there any trees left in Pattaya ?
  2. Why can't the world live in peace I don't get it, all wars are coused by politics religion even now
  3. Well that is your view but many western observers have a different one just wait till he pressed the red button
  4. it won't matter if Putin gets removed some of his friends will take over
  5. no one knows what the Cox Plate is unless you from OZ
  6. So whats the different between an English or American Breakfast? I booked for a few weeks into a apartment in Pattaya and I get American Breakfast included in the price every morning, since I am not a big eater anymore I am quiet happy with a fried egg and a saussage and a bit of bacon maybe a slice of bread and some coffee. I am not very keen on Thai food but I do eat some of it, lived in Thailand for many years but mostly cooked myself in my kitchen. Well I am not a Pom or a yank but do prefere western food. I do love to cook I cook any food Italian Indian German Chinese and many others and yes you might not include Chinese or Indian in western food but I do not search or insist for special food from any country, happy eating guys.
  7. I guess it is only against the law to leave your house not wearing underpants ( Jocks) so he is within the law ????
  8. No, I do not but the US dollar has been teflon for a long time
  9. Is this site only for poms and yanks the American Dollar has been overratet for a long time same as the Thai baht today the AUD was only 64 cents to the US dollar explain to me, the US had an inflation of about 7.8 %, more than Australia the US is in a likely recesscion Australia is not just my state recorded a profit of of 6 billion in 1 year sorry for my American friends but the US dollar is teflon
  10. Funny they don't have Kangaroos in Thailand
  11. Which countries are you talking about this is where I live
  12. love you guy, be honest
  13. Yes Perth I have lived here for about 30 years and never found it boring and yes I lived in Thailand for many years and other asian countries and I was born in Europe
  14. I don't live in Brisbane
  15. So, I did book my flight many weeks ago can I still be charged with this? I am not worried about the 300 baht but maybe the held up at customs
  16. No I guess you are American we have better social securities and pensions in OZ
  17. Nonsense I live for rent in a 2 bedroom unit still dring a car, just on my pension no super at all, there is life outside Sydney or Melbourne and I don't live in the sticks like many of you do I live in a city of about 2 million and enjoy every bit of it and still can affort my holidays overseas
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