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Everything posted by K2938

  1. You misunderstand the key purpose of insurance. It is to avoid catastrophic losses you could not bear yourself. For all other reasons insurance is indeed not very sensible assuming that the insurer did not get his calculation wrong. But for health issues for most people the level of catastrophic losses can approach very quickly. So do not get an insurance for stolen luggage (which you can easily cover yourself), but do get one for health
  2. So if you are not part of your self-defined top 2%, you should get insurance. Simple as this.
  3. Yes, get insurance from an insurer in a WESTERN country, even if it might at first appear more expensive. Insurance which does not pay is no good. And get insurance where renewal is guaranteed and the maximum premium increase is defined. Otherwise you again face the same problem
  4. Since severe dengue is much more likely when you get it the second time and since the vaccination is also more effective if you already had it once (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41541-023-00658-2), you might want to wait unless you already got it once. If not, you can get it in any EU country, but since there are two doses required with 3 months distance this would also mean two trips. Please also note that there is a shortage of data for the efficacy of the vaccine for old people (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1477893923000583?via%3Dihub)
  5. Not true, unless "many" means very few percentage wise
  6. Thank you. And without this? I would rather not have something use electricity while gone
  7. Is it possible to leave a condo in Hua Hin unattended for a few months (let's say 2-4 months) or is there too much humidity for this to be possible and everything will be full of mold afterwards? I know that in many other places in Thailand like e.g. Phuket this would definitely be a very bad idea, but since Hua Hin has a much drier climate, I thought it might be better there. Thank you.
  8. It is not uncommon in the world of public relations to try to declare a goal grossly failed not to have been meant seriously in an attempt to gloss over the failure afterwards
  9. The number is very small and orders of magnitude smaller than what the BOI was originally aiming for. If you scroll though this thread, you will find various numbers announced. Please however note that these are only numbers of applications, not the even smaller number of visas actually granted and issued.
  10. Unlikely to be possible for a house/apartment where there probably will be follow-on bookings from others. Only viable for hotels where there are tons of identical rooms
  11. Do you know what Savannakhet requires for this? I am asking as the non-O based on age over 50 is not mentioned on their website (https://savannakhet.thaiembassy.org/th/page/cate-9736-types-of-visa?menu=5d84a44c15e39c26b400453f&p=1). Do you need 800k THB in a bank deposit? Anything else? And how much does it cost? Thanks!
  12. Very sad that the BOI made these changes. So contrary to all expectations the BOI did not use the huge shortfall between forcasted and actual LTR visas issued as motivation to increase flexibility, but on the contrary tightened conditions. The same apparently also applies to various conditions for the LTR-Work from Thailand visa. Previously, for this it was enough if you are working for the subsidiary of a listed entity, now the listing requirement is only fulfilled if you work for the listed company itself, but not for any of its subsidiaries as most employees of a large listed group would which does not make any sense whatsoever.
  13. Do you think that things might improve with the potential/likely change in government? They had pollution somewhere on their list of objectives, but far down, like at number 22 of 25 and if they meant air pollution with pollution is unclear
  14. Re 1): I have read a social media post of somebody in a similar situation who was first rejected, but then managed to convince the BOI that working for the subsidiary is the same thing as working for the parent. Re 3) Talking to the BOI is the only thing which can help and even then you might find that what they first tell you does not turn out to be true. So while $150 is not a huge amount of money, you would be deluded thinking that a law firm could give you an authoritative answer.
  15. Western Northern hemisphere winter, but you can really find this out yourself via Google
  16. Maybe time to also introduce exit visas like in the former Soviet Union????
  17. Instead of going down the costly way of buying an annuity try to convince the BOI that with your cash, assuming you have this, you can self-fund you. So assuming you lack $40k per annum, show them that you have 5 x $40k in additional cash/funds (since the initial visa is only issued for 5 years with an additional financial verification after 5 years) or, if this does not work, that you have 10 x $40k in additional cash/funds (since it is a 10 year visa). The BOI will probably be screaming that they need to see an annuity income, but it just does not make any sense that if this money were in your pension plan and you withdrew funds of that amount, they would count this and otherwise they would not.
  18. Crazy to be willing to cut your life short by 10% for this. There must be some better alternative
  19. Does anybody know when the 2.5 hours by train from Bkk to Hua Hin already promised for last year will become reality?
  20. Realistically, this decision will probably less be made based on any notion of "fairness", but based on how to get the most money out of foreigners. Do LTR visa holders get local pricing for entering national parks? Are they protected against inflated foreigner pricing in hospitals? ...
  21. Phone might be region locked. So you want to unlock it before sending
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