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Everything posted by SenorTashi

  1. I never called anyone stupid but you saying that you get flu shots every year and covid boosters speaks for itself. Thanks for mentioning your much younger girlfriend by the way. That was vital to the conversation. I'm guessing that you asking me why I'd fly Air India (because I'm cheap) is connected. Did it ever cross your mind why you have a much younger girlfriend? Could it possibly be because you pay for her time? Like you'd pay a prostitute.
  2. Believe it or not, every white man in Asia does not live in the Hilton and drive around in limos.
  3. I cancelled a flight with Air India after reading the rules and finding out I'd have to wear a mask throughout the entire flight, then on arrival in Delhi, I'd be held in detention and forced to keep taking pcr tests until I gave a negative reading. There was no way I was going to do any of that nonsense so I lost about £500 right there. There were other things I was forced to waste money on after that but I'm on my way out to eat so I can't be bothered to write it all out.
  4. The pcr tests were always known to be absolute nonsense. Even the guy who invented them said that they shouldn't be used for that purpose but all you people are determined to continue along that stupid path.
  5. Funny how Fauci lied about it all on the stand and was given a pardon by creepy Joe .....but he dindu nuffin. Meanwhile, anyone who mentioned him or convid got banned and ridiculed online. And we still do for that matter. I'm still not laughing. Those crooks cost me a lot of money.
  6. Just looking for clarification that I can enter overland on a UK passport and get 60 days? I'm leaving again in 36 days but I don't want to risk only being given 30 days at the border.
  7. Where do they publish the videos? I put a hidden camera app on my phone recently and I've checked it in a few places but I'm not even sure what I'm looking for.
  8. Not going to go into detail but I had a similar experience with teaching in China. I hated every minute and left after a few weeks.
  9. Very true. I used to do it after alcohol, e, coke, speed and weed. Always seemed to work best like that
  10. My parents and their best friends were all in good health until they got jabbed. Since then they've had all kinds of problems. Their friend Barry had two heart attacks, a stroke and now he can't take care of himself and can barely speak. The last time I saw him he was in fine form, in 2021. He was teasing me for being unjabbed. He said 'Look at me, I've had two of them and I'm fine!' A few weeks later he had his first heart attack and he's never really been out of hospital since. The doctors say they don't understand why he's so ill.
  11. You appear to have trouble understanding basic English. Anyhow. I have no interest in trying to prove anything to you because I couldn't care less what you think
  12. I grabbed some pics for you doubters. I never said I met them all but we were doing this every weekend for months, while you lot were cowering at home with your masks on.
  13. What does? I only wore a mask very briefly a few times, then I had a panic attack while being stuck in an opticians for ages. Your condescending attitude barely deserves a reply but here goes. I went to the anti lockdown protests in London throughout 2021. There were definitely hundreds of thousands of people protesting. None of us wore masks and anti lockdown people made a point of hugging each other because we all felt starved of human contact. Not sure who said it but I never mentioned being friends with them all. I made friends with a few people during that time though. If you were in sat in your room, watching TV, then you won't have been aware of any of that, which is probably why you're mocking it. In the spring of 2021, there was an enormous march through London. The TV reported it as a few hundred weirdos. When in fact it was 10s of 1000's of very pissed off working people, who just wanted to get on with their lives.
  14. I never supported Trump, Biden or Kamila. Because none of them are actually trying to help their own people. If and when someone ever does, then I will support that person.
  15. It's funny how we were pointing out Biden's dementia for years but they were in total denial about it, but the moment Biden left the picture, they were all obsessed with Trump being too old and senile.
  16. I didn't get any jabs, never wore a mask, I travelled a lot and I mingled with hundreds of thousands of unmasked, anti vaxxers. Never got covid. Not even close. That didn't stop the pro lockdown people wishing death on me and my loved ones though. I'll never forgive them or forget any of that. I was quite happily going along with the whole covid story at first until I had a panic attack while wearing a mask one day. When I explained online why I wasn't wearing one anymore, lots of my good friends turned against me and strangers started wishing death on me. That's what radicalised me. The angry idiots were the ones who made me determined to wind them up at every opportunity and on every platform. But I got bored of doing all that a long time ago because endlessly arguing with brainwashed people is pointless and tedious.
  17. Students spending their grants on getting high in the West is very different to people in slums having 10 kids, who die of starvation or disease because their parents are meth addicts and drunks. I keep seeing people saying Musk should use his money to help 'the world' They don't specify what he should do with it. Just that he has too much so he should share it out. I think that's a very immature mentality.
  18. Personally I find it ridiculous when people say 'this guy's rich so he should help all the poor people' Poor people don't even help themselves. They mostly just sit around drinking and gambling and making babies they can't afford. Only a fool would keep throwing money at them.
  19. Compared to a lot of people in the world, you're a rich guy, so why aren't you spending all your time and money on helping the poor people?
  20. What should they do, give it all to BLM or something?
  21. I don't support any of them. I just can't help noticing bs when I see it.
  22. I've been saying that all along. Apparently people these days have never heard of politicians making false promises to get elected
  23. Columbia yeah. Right next door. There's also Greenland, Canada etc.
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