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Everything posted by SenorTashi

  1. Yeah but she got lots of publicity because she was the first to expose the lie. Beverly I think her name is.
  2. It's getting much even worse lately with all these 'musicians' making videos covered in blood and wearing devil horns and whatnot
  3. I think the woman who got prison time for filming an empty hospital was recently released? I don't follow it much really but I think I saw that somewhere.
  4. I've never heard of that one. I didn't watch either of them at the time but the London got well discussed during lockdown.
  5. I've been looking into this too and one place I've found nearby are the mountains in Laos. No idea what goes on up there but the weather is cooler. I think it's very hot in the Philippines too btw. I was there one spring and couldn't move away from the fan.
  6. They were overwhelmed with all the dead bodies, but not so overwhelmed that they couldn't choreograph a dance routine. Let's not forget the London olympics opening ceremony with the dancing nurses and a huge syringe
  7. Do you really believe Biden's been making any decisions? All I've seen him do lately is eat ice cream or sit around at the beach
  8. I'm guessing they were doing some kind of cooking in the room. Or maybe ironing.
  9. I like those rare moments in life where you get to make a second choice. Is that Joe Strummer in your pic btw?
  10. I never feel very comfortable sleeping in a building full of people who are black out drunk, wasted on god knows what and smoking in bed, etc, etc Not to mention that in a lot of cheap places, the wires are often hanging out of the sockets after so many people have forced the wrong plugs in there.
  11. Don't know if it's the same guy but one of their IOs was arguing with me that my passport wasn't mine. I kept saying 'it's the only one I've got' That went on for quite a while. I'd just done a border run too, which didn't seem to bother them.
  12. I did a little research on this a while back and discovered that a lot of the strong weed has Durban Poison in the genetics. All the stuff called cake, ice cream or gelato comes from the same lineage, iirc. Every time I smoke any of that stuff I get paranoid and agitated. They basically took all the strongest weed from around the world and cross bred it to get the strongest hit, but that's not what cannabis about, in my opinion. I use cannabis to relax and to connect with things on a higher level. I don't use it to trip balls. I prefer to stay somewhat grounded and sane and conscious, while feeling a little high. To answer OP, If you want to quit, just quit. Stop hanging around with people you smoke with and get some new interests. It's a lot easier than giving up cigarettes or alcohol.
  13. I grew up In Somerset, so I know how troublesome these Dorset and Devon types can be :)
  14. Yeah I know Soi 6, even if I've never spent much time there. I thought you were talking about Sukhumvit for some reason. Don't mind me. I'm jet lagged and travel weary.
  15. After learning the hard way, I've never let anyone or my wallet get out of my sight in my room. I also gave up drinking and going out at night which has made womanising a lot safer for me.
  16. Oh. Are we talking about Pattaya? Got my lines crossed there. Last year they were all asking for 2000 along beach road, then I went back months later and it was 1000-1500. But to stay on topic and somewhat related, I often cycle up and down the pavement on Beach Road, which annoys a few people, even if I do it with lots of respect and care.
  17. I keep seeing guys online talking about how attractive Thai ladyboys are. I saw 4 of them yesterday in a mall. They were all 6 foot tall, wide shoulders, huge heads and big man hands. You still haven't said the ST price though
  18. This has been my philosophy over the last few years. Just trying to tune out all the noise and focus on living a good life and being a good person.
  19. What is it? I would say I'm asking for a friend but that'd be a lie. I'm asking for myself.
  20. Never liked coke. A little ganja helps me sleep but I just took 6 months off doing that too.
  21. Very true. I'd be no fun at all in a bar these days. But I've been a piss head for 40 years and I fancied a change.
  22. Username checks out, lol. Yeah I cycle everywhere. Always have
  23. Yeah I did something similar in France but here I'm in a condo so I just see whoever's outside when I get there. Normally it's the same guy every morning who says 'Hello' then laughs.. every time. I think most of them are just making ends meet and don't have much time for anything else. Learning more Thai would definitely help but I spend my time between several different countries and my brain seems very reluctant to learn thousands of new words.
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