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Everything posted by SenorTashi

  1. where have you seen that? I used to pay 400 for 10 grams and that was decent quality. Then I got some for 300 once but that was rubbish.
  2. The prices were way too high in the beginning. I harvested a grow 3 months ago and tried to sell it but the price they offered me was so low that I decided to smoke it myself. I've noticed that lots of ganja shops either have no customers now or they've closed down already. I suppose all of this is normal considering it's a new thing and it will all level off at some point.
  3. I remember those days too. I think they had the same thing in the Philippines too. It's very annoying if you're on a tight budget and you have to keep holding onto the exit tax.
  4. It also reflects badly on the rest of us. When I first got here in 91 somebody said to me that the English were the most polite of all the foreigners. A while back I had the same conversation with a guest house owner and she she told me the Japanese were the best, followed by the Thais. The English didn't get a mention.
  5. I'll tell you what I like about the place. it's a shorter list. I like the beach (in Jomtien)
  6. Just left Pattaya. What a dump. Hopefully won't have to go back there for a while.
  7. I came to Thailand specifically for the parties in 1991. On my travels around the country, I told everyone I met that they should go down there for the full moon but when I got there, I learned that there hadn't been a party for a while, so I sourced a tape player from somewhere and set up on an abandoned platform on the beach. I played a few DJ tapes I'd brought from London and there was only about 20 of us originally, which swelled to maybe 50, but we all had a great night. I went to a couple more later on in '91, which were bigger and more organised but lots of fun too. I finally made it back there in 2005, looked around at how commercialised it had become and left the same day. I saw all the postcards and videos of the last party and the ready made buckets and had no interest in experiencing it like that. Haven't been back since.
  8. There are some incredibly immature people in this forum, who seem to believe that they are superior beings because they've been in the country longer than me and have made more posts than me here. Jesus christ guys, grow up <deleted>. I can't even be bothered to reply to any more of this <deleted>. Thanks to the people who responded with similar stories or to the ones who explained that it's a cultural thing. The rest of you can go <deleted> yourselves with a blunt object.
  9. You seem to have created a whole different argument all on your own there. Well done.
  10. Well, if spending several years in various countries across Asia over 32 years counts as my first time, then yes it is.
  11. Thinking about this again today, those cashiers have no idea if the Thai woman with me is my assistant or my daughter in law or whatever and nobody has any right to be deciding who to donate my money too. I'm reading through the thread and understand it's a cultural thing and I got that at the time anyway but it just bugged me when i asked the missus what's going on and she played dumb.
  12. Some of you guys really do have your heads a long way up your <deleted> don't you.
  13. Yep, had the same experience. It only took me a couple of months to realise that I wasn't very interested in this 'arrangement'
  14. Yeah I read or watched something about it years ago too. Couldn't remember the details but i think if you get it wrong the head comes right off.
  15. One of the last things she said to me was that he (the brother in law) has always been happy to support the whole family. I said, 'That's because he's an idiot.... And I'm not.'
  16. I told her to stop taking advantage of foreigners and pay her own bloody bills. They were expecting me to fill the car up with petrol even though I cycle everywhere. The other question I had for you guys is, has anyone ever heard the expression 'don't worry, farang pay?' because she said that to me one night after a meal her brother in law had just paid for and tons of food got wasted. I said, 'you do realise who you're talking to don't you?'
  17. I was going to bring this up months ago on here. I was telling her that since we'd been together nobody talks to me anymore. When I travel alone, all the tuktuk and taxi and bus drivers and waiters and hotel staff all speak to me and even if they dont speak good English we still manage to have a good chat and a laugh but whenever i was with her, they all claimed to not know any English and I was totally ignored. Gotta be honest, it made my time in Thailand a lot less enjoyable.
  18. Good to know. I get it but it's a bit bloody rude.
  19. She did, every time. They both looked at me like I was weird for expecting 500 back from 1000.
  20. This happened to me so often around Chiang Rai that I started noticing it. I asked my missus why and she just laughed. I was standing behind an expat/Thai couple yesterday in a supermarket and the same thing happened to him. So what's it all about? Is there a general 'clean out the farang' agreement across the nation?
  21. I believe the goal with hanging is to fall far enough that your body weight snaps your neck, making it a quick death but if you're trying to hang yourself off a doorknob or some other short drop, it will be more of a strangulation type thing.
  22. It's hilarious that some people are actually debating this. Having just left my wife, I can confirm that Thai women are indeed very difficult to live with and it wouldn't have surprised me much if her family had turned up to kill me.
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