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Everything posted by Jackbenimble

  1. This man is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with Thai politics. If dealing with him and his cronies is the start of a swamp-clearing operation then this is going to get messy. Someone needs to do it though.
  2. I think expediency won the day as there were already rumours about another coup. That would have been a huge nail in Thailands coffin if that had been allowed to happen. Her appoiontment has been in the making for at least a year - all the deals that needed to be done were done and all the palms that needed greasing were greased. So.......
  3. Its a smart move, the right move and the most viable move. Of course she is going to consult with her father and her Auntie on some issues, whose daughter or son doesn't? With all of that experience, knowledge and know-how available to her she'd actually be remiss if she didn't. She appeals to the masses of Red Shirts and she appeals to the younger voters who were behind Peta. The Thaksin haters will have a field day but they have allowed their hatred of him to cloud their judgement. She deserves this chance and I can think of at least 2 people who will "have her back" and be supporting her every move.
  4. this wins the Least Informed Poster award for the month. What utter dross.
  5. glad your conscience is clear anyway.
  6. Disagree. And my post wasn't actually about the process involved - more about the corruption. The personnel and unnecessarily drawn out and antiquated ways do complicate it too though.
  7. I think giving or not giving is a matter of personal choice. I give sometimes. Government interference in my right to choose to give or not would actually make me give more often. I'm sure the goverment must have more important things to focus on.
  8. And a less corrupt and convoluted Immigration system.
  9. Thais dont have an inferiority complex? My experience tells me quite the opposite actually. They naively believe they are the best at everything.
  10. Take away the requirement to go through Thailand first and this is a good idea.
  11. best post today - thanks for the giggle.
  12. you say he is seeking power from behind the lines, but did it occur to you that they might be the ones doing the seeking and are approaching him? He's experienced, knowledgeable and very well connected............it would not surprise me in the slightest if they ask him "what should we do?" or "what would you do?".
  13. and you read that where..............here? Again - you're just repeating things you've read somewhere and have not only not fact checked but have no interest in doing so either. You dont want to know the truth but you have no idea if that even happened. IF it did, you have no idea what the payment was for but believing the media fits with your narrative - and that's good enough for you.
  14. Justice? You mean the mob that had assembled and had instructed the coutrs to find him guilty even before a trial had begun? Would you be happy with that type of justice? His enemies had no intention of him receiving justice - it was a lynch mob.
  15. and his 15 years in exile...........just a charde too? I wish people would educate themselves better on the facts instead of regurgitating propogannda in a vain attempt to appear knowledgeable and relevant.
  16. Really? I didn't know that!
  17. I think you are the one who needs to "get real". If you've ever needed the RTP to do something for you then you'd know there needs to be an exchange takes place. I think you're maybe looking att his through western eyes. Taking up a Class Action against the banks would take years, cost a fortune and probably fail. The Lawyers are the only ones who would benefit. Again, I suspect you've never done it yourself.
  18. Well done Mr Business Owner. I hope he bankrupts her, that was what she was prepared to do to him - over a lie!! Social media has given people an inflated feeling of power and entitlement. These types of reveiws are almost always written by people who were either the catalyst of the incident or - as in this case......just spiteful.
  19. the banks reported response is an admission of guilt in itself and in any western country a Lawyer would be all over it. Here? The lawyers are nothing more than pen pushers. She needs to broker a deal with the police and find one of those "influencers" to bring the story into the full glare of the public. Carefully worded ofc so as not to upset anyone.
  20. she needs to broker a deal with the police. On results only.
  21. by scammers you mean "staff" I presume? It happens much more than is reported. The banks intimidate the people who have had money taken dishonestly. Not good publicity at all if word got out. Its a daunting task for the best of us to challenge a bank......they are never wrong and they are all powerful. This woman needs justice and the RTP need a kick up the jacksy for missing a trick too. They could have helped for a small %, surely.
  22. I've lived here almost 20 years and have 2 Thai kids and have subsequently met their friends and later on their girlfriends/boyfriends. Not once have I met a Thai kid (of speaking age) who couldn't speak Thai. Its totally understandable for them to be proud of their Language, I have never met anyone (Thai or foreigner) who thought they shouldn't be tbh. So the headline would be correct, the rest of the story though........just another BS story from AN?
  23. He hasn't come back to politics - he's a public figure and a person of interest to the media - who frequently make things up for sheeple like you. As for him supporting his sister or his daughter in their chosen career path - are you saying you wouldn't support yours?
  24. the most entertaining and misinformed post among many entertaining and misinformed posts. Congratulations!
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