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Everything posted by Jackbenimble

  1. they're not sought after because of their English..........it's because they're cheap. Their spoken English in general is quite good but their grammar and spelling is atrocious. YOU must be from Philippines to suggest filipinos speak better English than English people lol.
  2. Thats quite a blinkered viewpoint. Many Thais can afford to travel to Europe. This would benefit those seeking employment too. I would be surprised if it ever came to pass though.
  3. only the governing body need to approve it.......individual countries can abstain from voting but cannot opt out. I doubt this will happen though tbh, but if it does it will be great news.
  4. nobody is suggesting the kid should be arrested? The parents are responsible for everything the kid does anyway because.............he/she is just a kid! What is wrong with people on this thread?
  5. you seem to be being contradictory for the sake of it. I know kids do pee in public - nobody is denying that. The location is the salient point here...........and the lack of parental involvement in what kid is doing.
  6. he was behind a tree not on the steps of a temple and he was not a foreigner as you stated he was Thai and he was an adult, not a minor. Keep going.
  7. he isn't hiding. He's outside of Thai jurisdiction. What exactly do you expect the Thai police to do? The usual recompense has been paid to the deceaseds surving family which is the way things are settled in Thailand. Whether you agree with the custom or not is irrelevant.
  8. You're missing the point. The location is salient and the fact that the parents clearly seem to let her do this all the time judging by the absence of embarrassment or shame on their part. Peeing in public is not accepted behaviour anywhere that I know of........hence the public indeceny laws that exist. The exception may be China.
  9. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  10. Legalising it though it would open other income streams for the authorities. That brothel you mention would be able to continue operating but be legal. Tax liabilities come into play but a decent accountant can fix that without too much disruption. The faux shock on here from guys who very likely use these services I might add, is pathetic. Led by the noses by a headline. Doh!
  11. what a lovely story..........just goes to show that good news is still news. It doesn't need to be negative all the time.
  12. sex work is the oldest profession in the world and yet still we have people posting here like it's something to be ashamed of. Sex work isn't a problem, its "enforced" sex work that needs addressing. I've never met a bar girl in Bangkok who was forced into doing it and was unable to leave if she wanted to. There will be some but very very few. I think the people in authority who are supposed to protect them but extort them instead need weeding out but that's not going to happen any time soon. The authorities should also make it easier for non-University educated girls to get a normal job instead of asking for degrees just to work in a damn shop. Sex workers for me should be applauded for the job they do......it can't be easy putting up with smelly, drunken, guys 7 days/week. And lets not forget the money they earn and put back into the economy. Legalising it would be a good thing IMO
  13. I haven't read all the posts but nobody seems to have mentioned that under the street lights and/or in the dark Thai money is hard to see properly and 1000thb notes look like 100thb notes - especially when you are a bit tipsy. Many a time I've taken a motorcycle taxi home and I find out in the morning that a 200thb ride home has cost me considerably more because the notes look so similar. The brit was drunk and it was dark and they were under streetlights........and he hadn't been here very long. I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks he gave the driver X amount and I wouldn't be surprised if the driver saw an opportunity to make a few extra baht. The motorcycle taxis that take me home never tell me I have given them too much.....its not a scam though, its an error on my part.
  14. why not? The charges are alleged not provem.......what are you expecting police checks in the UK to unearth? This hasn't been to court and may not do for quite some time. Innocent until proven guilty? The UK authorities would have no grounds to deny this - it might be revoked though at some time in the future.
  15. clearly you just made that up. Doyou have any more fables to share with us?
  16. any successful coup would render the PM powerless wouldn't it? They wouldn't be having anyone arrested.
  17. its a matter of personal choice I think...you chose not to repatriate the body. There is no right or wrong choice though. It's up to the surving family members to decide.
  18. its a given the Thai will win.
  19. "maybe" she was just a normal girl and wasn't for hire & had tried to tell him to go away but he was too drunk to realise or notice? "Maybe" she was his g/f and was acting like she wasn't and attracting as much attention as she possibly could to sate her desires? Maybe........................it was a storm in a t-cup and nothing really happened lol.
  20. that the term "foreigner" is used without mentioning his nationality would suggest he is Asian and probably Chinese. If he is why not say Chinese man? If he had been a "farang" we would have been informed which country he was from.....why the special treatment? Its never a good idea to hit a woman - better to just walk away and leave her if she's playing up. If he is just a bully though then he's likely done it b4 and he needs teaching a lesson.
  21. whether you like or not or agree or not if you hire domestic staff in your home they are entitled to at least 13 of the Public Holidays. These are given to all workers by the Government - you do not have the authority to overule Thai law. My advice would be to sit down and simply discuss which 13 of the holiday she wants - bear in mind Songkran is a 3 day Public Holiday. The workers are entitled to be paid for these days too. Stop being a tightarse and think about the well-being of your helper for a change instead of your pocket. If you dont know the law then find out, there is plenty of info on Google to keep you on the right side of it.
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