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Everything posted by Jackbenimble

  1. I think the standard of journalism worldwide is appalling. God knows who pays their wages and why.....instead of reporting the news they think it's ok to create it & then publish and be damned. Dreadful. And sad. No fact checking is done any more either.....it's another nail in their coffin as people no longer take the "news" seriously.
  2. Agree ttoally. It's a devisive headline designed to illicit a certain response. Thailand isn't dangerous, I feel safer here than in almost every city I've been to. Including in my own country.
  3. ....and clearly a very selective 60 cities. I have lived here almost 20 years and feel a lot safer here than in my own country - which wasn't in the 60. Most people who have commented have accpted the headline as a fact instead of questioning it. In my experience Thailand is only dangerous if you go looking for trouble.
  4. I find this post to be quite astonishing if this has any foundation at all. The Thai Banking system has been ring-fenced by much of the western world since the Asian Financial Crisi because they basically stuck 2 fingers up at everyone and overnight closed multiple financial institutions to avoid repaying their loans. Effectively shafting the IMF and other international money lenders. To suggest that they can become a financial hub is shockingly naive as it would require the rest of the worlds Banking Community to support it - and that is extrememly unlikely. There would need to be stringent safeguards put in place which the Thais would never agree to. When I was a kid there was a TV programme on Saturday morning called "Why dont you switch off your tv sets and do something more interesting instead". It was hosted by kids and they pretended to be adults and they tried to run an adult current affairs programme. This suggestion of making Thailand a financial hub actually reminded me of those kids pretending to be adults. It is just fanciful and incredibly naive.
  5. why was the name of the owner withheld in this article? Was it written to expose the journo to further threats?
  6. where did I say that? You missed your calling I think, you should have been a journo.
  7. as you rightly pointed out yourself these are restricted to car parks and "every couple of weeks". Hardly a problem unless you go into the car park and yes - I have seen the shows you refer to - they are a small number of vehicles usually next to each other and tucked away in one small area of a large car park. Not quite the same as taking over the whole town.
  8. OR respect the local culture? Might be an idea.
  9. you didn't see the word "chemical" I think
  10. If you pull this off (ahem) keep a close eye out for that Seaman Staines and Roger the cabin boy.
  11. "they have this theory........" lol. Its not a thoery? It's the law. An official complaint must be made if someone wants the police to be involved and launch an investigation...they are Public Servants and have to account for their time when on duty. I think people using social media instead of going through the correct channels should invoke a hard slap across the face and an explanation of the correct procedure. Social media is getting far too influential for my liking - it has it's good points but when the majority of it's users are ognorant and/or verging on being brain-dead it's a dangerous tool. People use it to circumvent the law, the media do it too. Report the incident and let the police do their job. Not reporting it and then looking for justice on social media though..........really?
  12. chemical castration would best serve rape cases and rapists and eradicate re-occurrences without any loss of lfe. Taking a life should result in you losing yours. Rape......? Despicable as it is I dont think it warrants death. It's pretty close though.
  13. Untrue. They own The Crimea Peninsular. Ukraine was one of the founding member states of the old USSR. But Crimea Peninsular was not included in the talks when Independance was granted in 1991. The Russian Navy is based there. It remained Russian and the people in the region consider themselves to be Russian.
  14. was the Owner of the bar not around or not able to be contacted when this incident was taking place? This group of fake cops were in there for a while, left and then returned. Was the owner not alerted? As they are typically RTP this incident probably wouldn't have happened.
  15. It's about time. The family have been treated unjustly and even hounded out of their own country just to serve other peoples crooked, political ambitions - and look how that turned out. Irrespective of where your allegiances lie......Thailands economy was never better than when KT was in charge and having this family back benefits not just the people of Thailand but the Expat community too.
  16. I'm pleased for him, anyone who isn't is just jealous. But it's 20k BAHT, not a great deal of money....what is all the fuss about? He probably spent and lost more than that in the build up to the Win. In light of the soon-to-be-revised gambling Laws this story strikes me as a little bit unnecessary
  17. that's a completely different question - the topic was about girlfriends? Bar girls are not girlfriends, if you think they are then prepare yourself for headaches and stress.
  18. Its not just baked beans, the price of cheese is crazy and as for tea bags!!!..........where have all the t-bags gone? No Liptons anywhere.
  19. I think you're looking at a different type of girl if you can find a g/f inside 2 hours.......that's not g/f.
  20. where's the Captain Kirk connection?
  21. it's the ensuing drama they love......they feed off it.
  22. I'm struggling to believe that they didn't check his visa status? He appears to use the dogs to intimade and frighten people so don't let him pay his way out of this.........either make him be a responsible dog owner and keep the dogs on a leash or take them off him. I suspect I know what his choice would be.
  23. it matters because he's being accused of stealing a key and staying without paying. If it was pre-paid it was his room key and he'd already paid........making this a non-story.
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