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Everything posted by Jackbenimble

  1. I wouldn't believe any of them, those guys were clearly unaware of what was going down and what the rules are........maybe because they were too drunk to care or maybe because they just didn't know. Its far tooe asy to just assume the ladyboys are to blame though. They can be a PITA (no pun intended) but generally I dont think they deserve the bashing they get on these forums. Drunk tourists are the catalyst for most incidents.
  2. it wasn't a ladyboy issue, it just happened to involve them. The issue was him trying fleece sex workers and thinking he was the smartest guy in the room. He's lucky to come out of that fracas with just minor injuries. If he carries on like that he might not even make it home.
  3. Just because you believe the propoganda pumped out by the western medias it doesn't mean we all do. Believing the media - period - is not a good strategy. They prove over and over again to be nothing more than a mouthpiece for the governments. And I trust politicians even less than I trust journos. USA is a far greater threat to world peace than Russia.
  4. of the two leading articles on my page......one about K Thaksins health issues and this one..............this is the least believable by a country mile. To come out with drivel like that and then to have it published and investigated by senior police officers - it is just bizarre!
  5. name me a country where there is no corruption please. You assume Thailand wants to "move up on the world stage" and is being hindered from doing so. Thailand doesn't give a monkeys elbow about moving up on the world stage, so stop posting as if you're sime kind of fountain-of-knowledge and open your eyes.
  6. the original court case was a far better example.
  7. Hence why he fled the country in the first place...........they couldn't prove anything, the charges were trumped up and the courts decision was decided even before the trial. KT is very shrewd and an extremely popular figure in Thailand. The media for western consumption is deliberately divisive and surprisingly ignorant.
  8. i see you have acclimatised well...........how long is it now?
  9. you thought wrong then
  10. perhaps your memory will also tell you that enforcement of the law in Thailand is not the best.......this small fact contributes hugely to the wonderful sense of freedom we all enjoy. You've been here 20 years so you'll know that of course.
  11. not sure why food vendors need to be brought into a conversation about speed limits - unless you just want to Thai-bash like so many on here?
  12. when used in this context where he was on a plane........I would disagree. And so should you unless you're a pedant?
  13. I suggest you google "chemical castration" instead of posting drivel
  14. I can only summise that the journo who wrote the heading of the article doesn't understand what turbulence is. Who hires these people?
  15. If these claims are substantiated he needs chemically castrating and locking up. He is a danger to ALL children.
  16. no "gang" involved here I think? I think the thread was going just fine. Maybe you can start your own thread about the gangs?
  17. Clealry there is more to this than we're being told. I'd hazard a guess the barber wasn't paying any attention to what the Russian was asking him to do and was just cutting the guys hair as he saw fit. Just a guess but probably went something like that. Not listening (or caring) is something some Thais are good at.
  18. whiney, entitled idiots/customers need to realise that actions have consequences.........removing an offensive post (and one that was innaccurate and ill-informed) is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. Some people need to be held accountable sometimes for shooting off their mouths at will otherwise chaos will reign and anyone will be able to say anything they want whenever they want about whoever they want.
  19. Whether someone could or not depends entirely on their own personal circumstances and of course their age. So it is more than feasable that for some it would be possible.
  20. Brave? Not sure that's the word I would use.
  21. it'll be those pesky Burmese again - obviously! Cant turn your back for a minute and they're at it. ;-)
  22. Me too. This is just another trumped up charge - article 49 was deliberately used by the outgoing "party" to stay in power when everyone wanted them to hold an open and fair election. They not only overstayed their welcome but seized power illegally in the first instance riding into town on an anti-corruption ticket only be more corrupt than every former government before them. I think anyone using Article 49 in this instance - especially after the way it was misappropriated by the former government - has not read the room .
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