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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. Trump is living rent free in the minds of these disturbed people.
  2. There are so many idiots on motorbikes in Thailand including expats. These idiots never obey the laws and are destined to die someday as the law of averages will catch up to them.
  3. Interesting they call it "Mon" a she. Yes, you have to be careful of the men in drag.
  4. To the Democrats especially Kamala, illegal aliens are potential voters to their left wing party.
  5. You have to wonder just how scrambled Kamala's brains are to come up with such unintelligent, incoherent sentences. This is not just a speech impediment, it is the inability to think and speak rationally. She certainly does not have the mental capacity to assume the role of President of the United States.
  6. It seems that some people are infatuated with Trump and they just cannot get him out of their heads.
  7. Trump was smart not to be subjected to the left wing, globalist 60 minutes staff. 60 minutes covered up Biden's son's laptop story to protect their socialist left wing President. 60 minutes is irrelevant.
  8. The only reason that Harris is VP of the United States is because of the Democrats feel it necessary to appoint a diversity hire. This woman is not the sharpest crayon in the box as evidence by her word salad speeches. She will make a terrible President if elected. She will have no respect of the international community and the United States will suffer because of it.
  9. Not sure why Elon is worried. The alarmist Democrats who embrace "Climate Change" would never jail the head of one of the most successful EV companies in the world.
  10. It will never happen as these homeless are Democrats.
  11. Michael Moore is an idiot that hates white people, although he forgot to look into the mirror. He has absolutely no credibility and relevance.
  12. Just amazing, to think that this woman that seems unable to put together a comprehensive sentence, will someday be the President of the United States is preposterous.
  13. Electric vehicles can catch fire if they are inundated by saltwater, so owners who live in the path of a major storm like Hurricane Helene should take precautions and prepare for the possibility that they’ll be unable to charge their cars during a power outage. https://apnews.com/article/hurricane-helene-electric-vehicles-fire-flooding-0284e2eb2accc0570361def4e963eda0 EV vehicles are a very poor choice and investment. Stupid is as stupid does.
  14. Yes, she can win and more proof that there are many stupid people in the United States.
  15. From what I have seen and heard, there are many patriotic, freedom loving, anti communist, God fearing veterans that love the Trump.
  16. So you believe in God? Good for you, so do I. But I do not think God had anything to do with the election. It seems that human nature is flawed and rather selfish. During a natural disaster people will seek help from the government regardless of how corrupt and socialist it is. Many people, after a disaster, will give up their moral fibers and vote for the socialist Democrats that will give them the hard earned money that good citizens pay in taxes. Many times after they receive this money they will feel remorse, possibly go to confession and confess their sin of voting Democrat to the Priest. It's a vicious circle in the US and why you see a diversity hire as the VP of the United States.
  17. Another very dead and stupid foreigner for getting on a motorbike in Thailand. I guess these people will never learn that they are a death trap.
  18. So very true thaibeachlovers, it will come to an end if the American people vote for the diversity hire Kamala word salad Harris.
  19. After what Hamas did to the poor innocent, peace loving Israel women I rather enjoyed watching this propaganda film by the Moslem Al Jazeera news site. I might make some popcorn and get my self a cold beer and watch it again.
  20. Born in the USA but supporting a diversity hire vice President that cannot put two sentences together without creating word salad. I guess old Bruce cannot sing his favorite song about the parents of the diversity hire because they were not born in the USA. But old Bruce really does not care as long as his globalist, socialist left wing candidate wins.
  21. I have been to Russia twice in the 1990s. I traveled around by train with a Russian guide, first time male, second time female. I had a wonderful time and met some really great Russian people. I was offered Vodka so many times I got sick of it. I do not believe most of the Russian people support this crazy war. It is the madman, little Putin that is trying to prove his self-worth but failing.
  22. Yes, kudos to the Don for not being afraid to speak the truth. I have been to the Dominican Republic right next door to Haiti. From what I saw I do believe the rumors about the Haitians eating dogs and cats. I wish they would come to Thailand and eat some of the miserable soi dogs. They would have a feast.
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