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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. What I find interesting is that many Western foreigners also drive like the Thais with no helmets in flip-fops weaving in and out of traffic with their little brown tee luk on the back.
  2. If there was any question to old Biden's legacy of that being a demented corrupt President, that question has been put to rest by Joe granting his prodigal son a pardon.
  3. 17+ years? I think you need to get a life sir.
  4. Old sleepy Joe's legacy was already that of a senile old man bent on serving another term until removed so at this point, Biden has nothing to lose by deliberately lying and pardoning his corrupt drug addict son Hunter. Move over Nixon, a new even more corrupt President is now at the top of the list of the most detested Presidents in history.
  5. The American people did not put their trust in Biden and that is why Trump won by a huge mandate. The people of American were lied to by the media and the Democrats about old Biden's Dementia. The only reason Biden persevered is because the Democrats kept him in the basement hidden away from truth of his failed health. Biden's legacy will be of left wing socialist with dementia that permitted the U.S. borders to breached and permitted millions of illegals into the United States.
  6. Before and after the second world war there was a huge influx of Jewish people to the United States. Many of these people have been exceptional at creating business and wealth. In the 1800's there was a huge influx of Germans and Dutch who also were very industrious and created wealth. Many countries college graduates migrate to the U.S. I have met many Thai PhDs in the United States that have migrated legally. These people do not migrate to Haiti or the Sudan but to the country that offers them the most opportunity and in that lies the exceptionalism.
  7. Interesting but 76,000,000 people do not seem to care or think the legal battles are a farce. Time will tell of course but I think game is over for the allegations.
  8. There has been a huge influx of middle easterners in Thailand recently. These people have customs that need to be adhered to and might be missing in Thailand. In a good will gesture, goats have been smuggled into Thailand to meet the need of these people. But unfortunately, these goats have been intercepted at the boarder and now there will be some very lonely men in Thailand.
  9. Wisconsin women unleash primal screams in protest of Trump win: video https://www.foxnews.com/video/6365269117112 Women are certainly wired differently than men and that is what makes them unique and lovable. But unfortunately, their wiring is prone to short circuiting. "According to our 2017 report on the mental health of women and girls: Today, women are three times more likely than men to experience common mental health problems. In 1993, they were twice as likely" https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/explore-mental-health/statistics/men-women-statistics Trump's huge mandate by the American voters has sent a large surge through these women's wiring and un-leashed their inherent primitive desire to be taken care of by the left wing socialist government of Biden and Harris. Now these women might have to actually get a job or find a man to take care of them. Good grief, I pity the poor sucker who falls for them.
  10. And to think, this pathetic woman could have been a President. It make me shutter just to think about it.
  11. This article is very funny and only wishful thinking on the left to try to portray Trump as not having a mandate. Take a look at the map of United States voters who overwhelmingly voted for Trump. The map is a sea of Red for Trump. All three branches of government are now Republican. The left is dilutional in thinking this is not a mandate.
  12. The left will stop at nothing to vindicate themselves for the utter demoralizing defeat to the patriot Trump. It seems that Trump will be living in their heads for the next four years. Trump has chosen wisely for his incoming cabinet. These individuals will help Trump to bring America back after years of socialism under Biden. Speaking of sex crimes. It seems that Biden had a thing for the young ladies.
  13. Respect? You have got to be kidding. An empty pantsuit!
  14. Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Movement Facing Post-Election ‘Disillusionment with Activism’ https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/11/24/anti-trump-resistance-movement-facing-post-election-disillusionment-with-activism/ Disillusionment is a good word for the far left that suffering from their total defeat to the patriot Trump. Now these people think up creative titles such as "willful-ignorance" to try to proselytize their devotees to keep the faith and support old sleepy Joe and word salad Kamala. It will be a tough four years for these people. Some are moving to other countries to escape the making of America great again. I wish them luck but on their return, if they do return, America will hopefully be transformed once again to the glory it once was.
  15. Anyone who has done serious research for a PhD or high level education, or a professional position demanding comparing documents on the screen realizes that these tiny screens just do not cut it in the real world. I hate using a smartphone for the slowness and tedious fingering and sliding. So I hear you Gamma and understand your rantings.
  16. Actually, statistics do lie and they lie big time. Mark Twain popularized the saying in Chapters from My Autobiography, published in the North American Review in 1907. "Figures often beguile me," Twain wrote, "particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.' https://www.forbes.com/sites/kalevleetaru/2017/02/02/lies-damned-lies-and-statistics-how-bad-statistics-are-feeding-fake-news/
  17. Is always sad to see the left wing globalist socialists take over a government. This happened under old sleepy Biden also. But like the U.S., the good people of Britain should rise up and throw these socialists out on their ear. Make Britain Great Again.
  18. It seems that Trump is still living in the minds of those whose candidate lost in an overwhelming landslide. The American voters made a clear choice to vote for a major change in America and that choice was Donald Trump. Now comparing this to Hungary is a total fallacy and dilutional but this is to be expected from the left. I really enjoy watching the left get all worked up and in a frenzy, it makes my day.
  19. Another liberal meltdown from a newspaper that is used as fish-wrap. Jennifer should join the rest of the left wing celebs in moving to Londonista where she will be right at home.
  20. Nissan discontinued the Teana which was a very nice comfortable, roomy ride. It had a V6 engine that really sounded nice. Now Nissan's lineup is crap.
  21. So very true swissie, Trump has arrived by a landslide of the American patriot voters. Trump had the most votes of any candidate for President in the history of the United States. Now it is time to clean up the mess that old sleepy Joe has created.
  22. "Poking the bear" such as Neville Chamberlain was, afraid of angering Hitler. And we all know how that worked out for him and the British people as well as most of the rest of the world.
  23. President-elect Trump announces Pam Bondi as his new pick for US attorney general https://www.foxnews.com/politics/president-elect-trump-announces-pam-bondi-his-new-pick-us-attorney-general I am really sad that Gaetz had to withdraw but Trump picked another great patriot candidate. Pam Bondi.
  24. Politicians call each other many name to try to get elected: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/kamala-harris-call-biden-racist/ It's all posturing in the big game of politics. But Kennedy came around and now realizes that Trump is the best hope for America. MAGA
  25. The definition of the economy is broad and also includes the very important Inflation index and government dept. Under old sleepy Joe, Inflation has skyrocketed to historic levels. Government dept is also the highest its ever been under any President. So Trump is not a liar in this regard but speaks the truth.
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