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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. A very beautiful woman with or without clothing. Now consider Kamala with or without clothing..........yuk.
  2. So very true Horking, ganja is very dangerous but the dope heads will of course refute you. I had a friend, very smart guy with a beautiful girlfriend, blow his brains out in his parents house with a 12 gauge shotgun while on ganja. It left a terrible mess for his parents to deal with. I knew him well and swear he would have never taken his life, especially in this manner, had he not been stoned on ganja.
  3. I just cannot get my mind around the British Labour Party that wants to give the sovereignty of England back to the autocrats in Brussels. It must have something to do with inability of the Labour Party to efficiently manage the country. And then you have posters that want to raise taxes on the poor folks in England and redistribute it to the squatters and those who do not want to work. Sounds like communism to me.
  4. Stupid is as stupid does and anyone that gets on a motorbike in Thailand has a deathwish.
  5. The Democrats will do anything for a vote, even encouraging illegal aliens into the country as potential future voters.
  6. I hope this is true. Start with Haiti first, then Sudan and Somalia.
  7. And this in one of the main reasons I decided never to have children. Even though you spend very hard earned money and spend over eighteen years teaching them never to vote Democrat, they go and ahead and make the mistake. They just never learn.
  8. I think the right pronoun is "Mon" in Thai. Meaning "it"
  9. No one in their right mind would take anything serious from this woman. Thank God she was not elected President of the United States.
  10. So very true proton. These mentally ill people used to be housed in insane asylums until the Democrats wanted them released into the streets.
  11. So very true jippytum but many stupid women fly clear across the globe to see Taylor Swift dance around in her sequenced leotards.
  12. I am also proud I have never consciously listened to this twerp. Maybe I heard a song in a restaurant but did not know the singer. I find this woman to be very unappealing with her sequenced leotards. I have heard that millions of swifties have abandoned her due to her endorsement of word salad Harris.
  13. Trump on Kamala Harris: "Joe Biden became mentally impaired. Kamala was born that way." pic.twitter.com/LeHaBl717z You have got to love the Trump for his unashamed, unbridled, attack on the diversity hire vice President. Trump in not afraid to call it as he sees it.
  14. One of my favorite songs from the past:
  15. Salt water is making electric cars blow up after Hurricane Helene https://metro.co.uk/2024/09/29/saltwater-making-electric-cars-blow-hurricane-helene-21700959/
  16. Street food is not only not good for you, it could also potentially kill you. Serious diarrhea can be life threatening if not treated early. I have witnessed so many people that have had their stomach pumped and hospitalized from street food. It is not worth it to eat this cheap, oil saturated, filthy slop prepared in the filthy streets of Thailand. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/diarrhoeal-disease
  17. It appears that you are not doing your research: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/143-democrats-let-noncitizens-vote/
  18. It is estimated that 98 percent of these people vote Democrat and listen to rap music. It must make them crazy and do stupid things.
  19. The biggest risk is to the low class Chang drinking expats that ride motorbikes in Thailand. The rise in the baht will put a crimp into their weekly beer allotment. These expats might now have to move from a 50 meter dump down to a 38 meter dump on Soi Pothole.
  20. While I will accept the results of the election no matter how corrupt the Democrats are, I do sympathize with the patriot, American loving veterans who will feel betrayed by the election of a socialist, globalist, word salad speaking diversity hired vice President.
  21. The Democrats care nothing about the rule of law. These illegal aliens that commit crimes are potential Democratic voters and to the Democrats and that is most important to them.
  22. Harris claims she is 47% Black. So does that mean she will receive 47% of the the hard earned taxpayers money that she gives away? Harris has always been very open........
  23. Maybe Aseannow can report on this article and discuss the many dangers of the weed: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13568105/woman-dies-cannabis-induced-vomiting-heart-disorder.html
  24. From the River to the Sea, Israel will crush those who oppose it.
  25. It seems that many women I talk to love the Trump!
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