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Everything posted by dotcalm

  1. Biden told allies missile that hit Poland was Ukrainian air defense Biden says "unlikely" missile fired from Russia Moscow says missile was Ukrainian air defence S-300 https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-hails-chinas-opposition-nuclear-threats-2022-11-15/ are UA air defense armaments supplied by US?
  2. With rumors of Trumps presidential announcement leaked and circulating, The NeverTrumpers were freaking out because they thought 45 was going to announce.. Instead at the end of his rally he listed off every name of every endorsed Senate & Gubernatorial candidate in each state while tens of millions of Americans were tuned in. BRILLIANT / LEADER
  3. I think by now it should be obvious the real concern here and likely anywhere rational thought prevails is that the threat to democracy (whatever bidens interpretation of democracy is) is just a distraction from the real issues plaguing everyday Americans on a daily basis and nothing more than a desperate Democratic election tactic that has backfired in humiliating fashion for them and their supporters. If all was so great with Biden and his admin and his policies there would be no need for this distraction however benign and feeble it is and it is going to cost the democrats the midterms, and likely both chambers. They (democrats) have faltered and failed massively by attacking, criticizing millions of Americans as semi facists and being threats to democracy. This is quite remarkable and will be such a blemish for the democratic party, written in history and a sad day for democracy and absolute humiliation for the Biden legacy. I never thought I would see this unfold in dramatic fashion like this all for hatred of Trump and MAGA supporters. I never expected fellow Americans to stoop to these cavernous depths in the name of maintaining power. I thought America was better than Biden, and his program of "uniting the country" as he so eloquently alluded to during his campaign. He's well on his way to destroying what remains of liberty and democracy.
  4. Nov 8, ....NOV 8, the big reset. Get on with it. It's over for the democratic party, should be obvious to you by now. You can only refer to 2020, but 2024 is for the big boys. Dems need a miracle to stay in the game now. If you and yours are content to dwell on 2020 it's your loss. Trump MAGA is moving on, the democratic party is stagnant, mired in "who we got now...Mayor Pete" syndrome. Scary place to be if you are Biden supporter, but as expected.
  5. Lol...ok "dude" Biden's got it all under control. No need to worry, but just the same red wave it is. Nobody votes for Biden's America disaster plan.
  6. No it's jot. Biden suggests voting for Republicans is a threat to democracy
  7. Trump is better, always has been and always will be. Biden is a loser, a liar, a cheat, an outright plagiarist been caught cheating in law school, has totally screwed up US foreign policy and energy policies at home and abroad and is laughed at and disrespected globally. He quite likely is the laughing stock of the world and it's easy to see why. He dropped the ball big time in the Afghan gong show withdrawal. Americans died because of him. He's a failure, but if he has a few polls where his popularity is close to Trump, so what! Biden is a failure and you will see this play out November 8. His own party wants nothing to do with him and they showed as much during his unwelcome during recent democratic election campaigning. Biden's not well liked by anyone now. He's done. You'll see in a mere 36 hours or so and in 2024 if he lasts that long.
  8. Donald Trump edges out President Biden in election poll as Biden slips below 40% approval https://news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-edges-president-biden-130235176.html
  9. Biden, your hero. Say good bye to him and the house, senate. There's no hope for anything Biden at this point It's over for them. Biden is destroying America. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-gop-leader-mccarthy-says-biden-is-dividing-the-nation-instead-of-uniting-it-ahead-of-dnc-speech
  10. Well, American voters probably care less about NATO, Asia, etc and care more about the economy, crime, border security, CRT, their children's education, inflation, energy deficits, wokeness, and the list goes on and on and NOTHING of Biden policies or actions have added value to any American's lives and the proof will be front and center on November 8th. Just go buy gas and some groceries before you vote! Iran, N Korea, China, Russia all gonna take advantage of Biden's ineptness, and they already are. Biden is a failure of epic proportions and the dems are going to burn in 36 hours!
  11. Its fine. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/rasmussen-reports/ https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/
  12. I am sure USA and the world is better place under the Biden admin, but please show me and other's exactly what is better. Trump's approval is higher than Biden's, and will increase likely, and should not come as a surprise. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/biden_administration/prez_track_nov04
  13. The democratic party including Biden should stop taking about Americans and instead try talking TO THEM as Reagan, Trump and others did. He may have a better chance of saving what few votes remain for dems on Nov 8. If half the voters are a threat to democracy as Biden suggests, (whatever the Biden definition of democracy may be, America is not a democracy, it is a constitutional republic, N Korea, and former E Germany are democratic republics), then what’s Biden plan to deal with this threat? He has no plan, just more vitriol aimed at any voters he dislikes and who vote republican. To Biden and leftists, democracy appears to mean that state of equilibrium reached when everyone votes the way they are instructed. There will be a solution though and soon, tune in November 8th for the GOP and tens of millions of voters answer to and provide their solution for democracy.
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