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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. The temples do the same thing... over and over again
  2. Pray tell... name one gen-x or millennial even remotely qualified.
  3. If you read anything at all... it is there in the msm
  4. Biden's hypothetical speech: "My fellow Americans. I have lied to you these past 42 months. I haven't had a cold, nor was I effected by jet lag. I am instead in the mid-stages of dementia. My doctor gives me handfuls of medications every day, but they're failing to address my declining cognitive condition. My family and staff have been fully aware of my problem for some time, but there's so much graft and quid pro quo money flowing, they wouldn't allow me to quit. I've failed the American public in so many, many ways, including the border, inflation, crime, taxes, infrastructure, and dividing the nation horribly. But at least I'll be remembered for acquiescing and cowing down to climate extremists, terrorists, BLM, Mexican cartels, Russia, China, and Iran. I've put our country at risk, alienated our allies, empowered our enemies, and gutted the military, but, I'm hoping things will hold together long enough to blame everything on Trump. In closing, I want to thank the Liberal media for covering up my many, many failures, mistakes, and utter bumbling of every political decision. I also want to thank the millions of gullible voters who allowed my crew of misfits to run roughshod over the country. This is all Kamala's problem now.
  5. Those iranian puppets at it again... hey joe send iran another 6 billion why don't ya?
  6. These are all the talking points directly from the DNC... many are outright lies and at best have been proven to be embellishments directly from the great embellisher joe himself.
  7. OK then... let's start... name one accomplishment... don't forget to include your source
  8. Why the heck didn't ms inder up and go somewhere else? Her choice was to escalate the situation... the tailor has a right to price his craft at any amount that he wants... while I do not condone him slapping her... someone needed to... so who's the real creep?
  9. The ever hateful and terroristic muslims vs the perverts... coming to your country soon...
  10. Candide has no answers... he doesn't even know what the real questions are... he is a typical liberal
  11. Get educated... human trafficking is human trafficking... you are precisely the reason that it is so prolific... the lowest form of human being on this earth... 100 to 1 you are an atheist and a democrat.
  12. Did joe watch too much fox and his brain turn to mush... is that the newest defense?
  13. But every president until now was mentally fit and "the team" was in support... now "the team" is in charge with no cognizant leadership. Try to understand... this ruling merely furthered the concept of division of power... joe and his cabal were using the Congress to go after a former president... the supreme court ruled that they couldn't do that... the supreme court in no way gave any authority for any president to "establish an authoritarian state"... you are way out of focus.
  14. The voters have spoken... 55555555
  15. That statement right there is frightening in itself... "Biden TEAM" was never elected and should never be in a position to be ruling anything... talk about a threat to democracy.
  16. Tug is deeply entrenched in the party propaganda... he will never understand anything but his hate for all things opposed to that stance... for instance... he is confused that all the supreme court did was rule that the Legislative branch of the government cannot be weaponized as the democraps have done to usurp the Executive branch of the government in the execution of its duties... "But Congress may not criminalize the President’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch under the Constitution."
  17. 10 to 1 your heroes are the ones that are squirming the most...
  18. Now that is creepy... the more and more joe exposes himself in public the more and more the people will see that he is not all there... except you and your ilk who would rather go down with the ship than ever admit to anything contrary to the party line.
  19. I have never said that... just another typical response from the left... keep drinking
  20. You are way off base... but I accept that not everyone is smart enough to garner facts and that some just talk to hear themselves... keep up the good work and get back to me with the facts on this case ok.
  21. You really cannot be that stupid... try reading it again and NOT give it your interpretative emphasis... try reading it as it is written... it doesn't read as having to now be in office... it is reads to mean that while he was in office... grow up
  22. NO kidding... that's why one has to know how to vet the sources listed...
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