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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Oh... whoops... we didn't coordinate this with Immigration... that's their problem not ours.
  2. Data in - data out... just because a machine can do it faster and in most cases better doesn't give it intelligence.
  3. Torrents Can Be Dangerous Before we learn more about how torrents work, it's very important to understand that they also pose a greater risk over other forms of file sharing. Torrents aren't inherently dangerous to use or create, but it's important to remember that unless you can trust the source, it's far too easy to accidentally download files that weren't uploaded with the proper legal permission or even download files infected with malware.
  4. And those black people who have a strong work ethic will achieve success perhaps not (riches) but a modest life with dignity the one failing are victims of their character or they live in corrupt BLUE states.bigotry... I can't go on copying your ramble with it's poor grammar and sentence structure... but it seems that ony poor white people will achieve a modicum of success while poor black people will not... utter hogwash and so racist to think that.
  5. Then why are you so hellbent on reversing the legalization of marijuana in Thailand... that's "the people like you" to which I refer.
  6. How did she survive 57 years in the land of no safety or preventative measures is the real question.
  7. All freedom of choice is under attack... if allowed, people like you will limit where and how and how much cost will be involved. I had a medical marijuana card in Florida and it was a hassle much worse than getting your visas and 90 day reports done here... and yes hands were out at every step of the way.
  8. This report is basically useless without knowing the percentage of defaults to purchases... when I was in the automobile business my target repo percent was 8%... that meant that I was maximizing finance sales.
  9. It started with the boomer mommies... sorry that I didn't describe it down to the last detail... I made a mistake that the following generations could extrapolate beyond their own noses... it's being passed down since then... get it???
  10. Please enlighten me... I may be ignorant but I am willing to learn
  11. Such schoolyard excuses are tiring from the left... because someone else did or did not do something doesn't excuse or make right what you are doing. This is the argument of the weak minded who cannot establish positive results to talk about. Just so you know... I think Trump is a narcissistic a--hole with a severe personality disorder... but I also think Joe has been corrupt in his entire tenure in politics and what you are seeing is just the tip of the iceberg... for me to argue in favor of either one as a great leader would go against the grain of my ethics and morality.
  12. I blame boomer mommies worldwide... they have sissified their son's and have refused to hold them accountable for their behavior
  13. 555... Not even the USA has those favorable numbers for themselves... it's all in how you ask the question.
  14. While I am against abusing drugs of any sort I also know personally that marijuana has certain properties that alleviate the pain that I experience from neuropathy. Doctors will prescribe drugs like Gabapentin and Pregabalin and other similar drugs without hesitation but never mention marijuana... the listed drugs have more adverse side effects than marijuana and do less to alleviate the pain ... why do you think that it's not mentioned along with the others... could it be that it is free from big pharma control?
  15. The only way to make history reflect what you want it to is to rewrite it...
  16. Gotta blame something... it's tradition now rather than acknowledging the shortcomings of the individuals involved.
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