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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. I read the entire story in more than one media source... what is left out of every one of the left leaning media is that Trump was saying that fraud should be a reason in itself when it comes to all rules etc. to change those rules... he did not say throw out the constitution... that is not the issue.
  2. Again... CNN shows their bias by leaving out the entire context... Former President Trump called for the termination of the Constitution’s rules regarding elections to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election following the release of more detailed information about Twitter’s role in suppressing a story about Hunter Biden. “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump said in a Truth Social post. “Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”
  3. CNN left out the whole context... Former President Trump called for the termination of the Constitution’s rules regarding elections to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election following the release of more detailed information about Twitter’s role in suppressing a story about Hunter Biden. “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump said in a Truth Social post. “Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”
  4. This is typical of Thai VietJet air as well as VietJet air... from my recent experience anyone who books a flight with them is stupid or ignorant (I was ignorant... did not know how badly this airline is run)... total lack of plan for contingencies that are everyday occurrences... total lack of concern for patrons... DO NOT FLY ON VIETJET AIR.
  5. Sorry... now I remember why I established an ongoing address and bank account in the USA
  6. I hesitate because your experience may be different than mine... I have been dealing with them online for years now and have bought many many pairs of glasses... reading, progressives, sunglasses... some I liked... some not so much, but they have always been what I ordered and top quality... goggles4u.com
  7. Much needed campaign... brown envelope sales had fallen off
  8. SSI is online and easy... no postage... no wait... Social Security (ssa.gov)
  9. I buy prescription progressive lens with all the coatings in designer frames for 2000thb...
  10. Then my requested trip to Immigration by the TM30 officer was just an exercise... no it was real and wasted half my day while they tried to figure it out.
  11. Now all the unworthy farang will get a new tm30 everytime we travel and stay at a hotel... I live with my wife in the house that I bought for her and we went to Pai for a few days... when I did my latest 90 day report online as I had done the previous three 90 day reports... it was rejected because the address that I live at was not the address that they had for me... they had the hotel in Pai... so now everytime that I travel and stay in a hotel I have to apply for a new TM30 for my permanent residence... makes perfect sense to me... not.
  12. Worked the last three times for me... but this time it was denied... something about my TM40 not being in my province... I have lived in the same house for a year and the last three times it was ok... now not.
  13. And 15% may be prone to learning something... but the jury is still out
  14. I said goodbye to paypal years ago... there are better options out there
  15. A cop out for either not giving a shxx or an excuse for others to take advantage of you... confrontation is not a bad thing.
  16. What do some of you others do when partying neighbors decide that their music should be broadcast for the entire community to listen to... here I sit watching the rugby championship and my living room is vibrating as it has been doing since noon... it is now 6. There is no way that any of the revelers are communicating with each other... unless they are sitting across from each other texting.
  17. You could always "not" click on it... your choice
  18. I have a beautiful new, fully furnished pool villa very near your wife's work... I am an American and my wife is Thai... so English and Thai spoken... am asking 60k/month plus utilities... ****Email removed, please use PM function to contact****
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