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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. "a clear message to all foreigners residing in Thailand to respect the country's immigration laws and regulations." Send the same message to the corrupt Immigration Officers that "sell" visas and you will notice a dramatic lowering of the criminal activity immediately.
  2. AND EXPERIENCE... Why have you assumed that I am saying that it was the motorcyclists fault? I have ridden motorcycles for 62 of my 75 years and (knock on wood) have never been involved in an accident. I was told early on that "no matter what while on a motorcycle I never have the right of way"... So maybe the motorcyclist did not have that knowledge and made a wrong decision... or maybe the car driver was distracted and made a wrong decision... it wasn't an "accident"... that's an excuse that was invented by poor decision makers in order to place blame... it was a tragic poor decision by one or both parties while operating their vehicles... thus, one was a terrible driver at the given moment.
  3. "It was an accident" is the universal excuse for consequences for bad behavior.
  4. There is no assumption of right or wrong in what I stated... so I guess you assumed it
  5. Maybe we assumed that you were seeking a retirement visa because you mentioned not being able to deposit 800000 baht which is one threshold for such a visa... keep working until you can come up with it... it's only $23000usd or $31000cd... not allot if planning to live here... I shopped around and found a good agent for a reasonable rate and had no hassles... there no free lunch and you get what you pay for... you sound like you are living on a shoestring and cannot afford to live where you are and think that you shoulld be abke to come to Thailand and live on a shoestring and not have to pay for anything as well.
  6. More details... Helmet? Motorcycle license? experience on bike? People die everyday on the roads throughout the world... there are no accidents... just terrible drivers
  7. It's a free market concept... shop around and find the fee that you can afford... if you cannot afford it quit whining and do it yourself... maybe reconsider retiring until you can afford to do so.
  8. Figures that this is an Australian "influencer"... who would watch what this guy has to say if they had a real life
  9. If you use the ATM everyday... why would you? I do not use the ATM everyday so I do not know if my bank would object to daily usage and advise me to be smarter about withdrawing money... I use it once a week to withdraw 25,000Tbaht at a time and they pay the fees every month.
  10. NO they are not... you need remedial math... or you are not identifying the blue cities in their entirety...
  11. Critical analysis... yes and if you were smart enough you could too. For instance... The first city with the highest murder rate is St. Louise in the United States... a red state but a blue city. Followed by Baltimore, Maryland... both blue. Followed by San Juan, Puerto Rico... both blue. Followed by Detroit, Michigan... both blue. Followed by Milwaukee, Wisconsin... red state but blue city. Followed by New Orleans, Louisianna... red state but blue city. Followed by Cleveland, Ohio... red state but blue city... I think that even you can interpolate what going on here... Blue cities are the leading murder rate areas in the USA and distort the face of red states when lump summed as the guardian tends to do on everything that they spew forth.
  12. I read the articles and sourced their statistics... then did a critical analysis... I stand by my post... do the math... the gaurdian is a liberal rag and is very well known to distort the facts to comply with their liberal agenda.
  13. Or the seller could be a farang who doesn't like the traditional Thai negotiating.
  14. Because Tn and it's governor know that guns don't aim nor shoot themselves... Tn goes after the shooters.
  15. As usual the gaurdian fails to further break down the statistics because it would render their point mute... while red states have crime it is proportionately out of balance on a state basis because it is concentrated in blue run inner cities... eliminate those cesspools from the mix and the change is dramatic toward blue states leading crime overall... do the work!
  16. While I agree that the drug cartels are ruthless and an abomination to civilization... the "gone too young" was a choice that he made. First... do not become a drug mule... second... if you do don't rip off the cartel... you can't fix stupid.
  17. I to have better things to do... however there will always be those who would choose to represent themselves... it is said that they have a fool as a client.
  18. The UK Air Passenger Duty amount is broken down based on the distance you’re flying, and the class of service you’re flying in. There are four different pricing bands, and here’s the pricing as of April 1, 2023: For domestic flights (only within England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland), the APD is £6.50 (~$8) in economy, and £13 (~$16) in a premium cabin For international flights of up to 2,000 miles (short haul), the APD is £13 (~$16) in economy, and £26 (~$32) in a premium cabin For international flights of 2,001 to 5,500 miles (long haul), the APD is £87 (~$107) in economy, and £191 (~$236) in a premium cabin For international flights of more than 5,500 miles (ultra long haul), the APD is £91 (~$112) in economy, and £200 (~$247) in a premium cabin Go back to the UK and complain... see what it gets you
  19. A tile subfloor if in good condition is great for topping with just about any other finished surface...
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