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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Another well balanced article written by that top notch msm source that is recommended by the left as the go to source for balanced perspectives... right ROO... this is what happens when your starting point is so far left that you no longer know what is balanced.
  2. It looks as if I read it more than you do... or you just scan headlines...
  3. If you actually read the nytimes it is inn there as well... in fact it is in almost all of the msm...
  4. I actually read the liberal left N Y Times... but unlike you I read both sides of the aisle sources... when you start out so far liberal left in your perspective... you lose sight of the fact that there might be valid perspectives from the conservative right as well.
  5. This just in... A handful of high-profile Democrats in the Senate and House previously supported the notion of abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) — the agency tasked with enforcing immigration law in communities and at the border. Despite their previous calls for ICE to be scrapped, there has been little resistance or pushback from Democrats about ICE enforcement under President Biden as the border crisis continues to wreak havoc on U.S. citizens, cities and communities.
  6. Boy are you blind to reality... and quite naive at that.
  8. You gave me a link to a rating website... again I ask... which sources on your rating cite are OK for me to find as being "good ones"??? I have the list... now please highlight the "GOOD ONES"
  9. Yes... by all means allow more haters and terrorists join the UN... why do you hate the jews soooo much... what have they ever done to you? Are you muslim?
  10. The jewish guy certainly has freedom of choice... but to be called an idiot by you is indicative of your nature... pot-kettle.
  11. BUT you have the answer to every other topic on this forum... don't gas out on us now.
  12. In this day and age he certainly is not the brightest bulb in the lamp.
  13. Source please or is that just another biased opinion.
  14. Absolutely... for the middle class WORKING American
  15. No problem... again I ask... what sources will you accept as factual... please educate me.
  16. T use or not use a car horn in Thailand is based in the Thai culture of Buddhism... to behave well... I like to think that it is OK to behave well, but I am also well aware that Buddhist living has developed the "bully state"... bullies will take advantage of everyone who they perceive as being weaker than they are. Horn honking is one of those things... are you really honking to prevent an accident or are you honking to bully another driver who you perceive to be inferior? As to being "attacked" because you honked... well you just exposed another bully didn't you.
  17. Come on man... this is just another of the long list of joe's foreign policy failures... and we know that the obumer stands with the terrorist muslims.
  18. Just face it... Thais are inferior... right guys... in fact anyone who is not just like you is inferior... losers.
  19. "According to Moussawi, the ongoing violence in the Middle East is intrinsically linked to the conflict in Gaza. He emphasized that until the root causes of the Gaza war are addressed, peace will remain elusive." Then all he has to do is have the hateful terrorist muslims stop murdering people and there will be peace.
  20. Again when you have no real answer attack the source... pray tell what sources are ok with you???
  21. This OP is about joe and his stories that are just ramblings of a lost mind... TDS is treatable.
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