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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. You mean the countries that cling to their medieval king and queen and have failed economic policies far worse then the USA...???
  2. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the current employment level is about 3 million jobs higher than it was in January 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic began. By contrast, the economy added 6.33 million jobs in Trump’s first three years in office, more than double Biden’s figure. More importantly, there is a stark difference in the quality of the jobs added under both presidents. Compared to pre-COVID-19 levels, a little over 2 million full-time jobs have been added under Biden, along with more than 1.18 million part-time jobs. As I already noted, in Trump’s first three years, total employment rose by 6.33 million, but unlike with Biden, nearly all of those jobs were full-time positions. Part-time employment increased by just 17,000 jobs from January 2017 to January 2020, less than 1% of the total number of added jobs.
  3. WHAT is your question??? See even you don't know what it is.
  4. I guess you do not stay current... It was a poll that rattled the campaign world, disrupting the recent narrative that President Biden was closing the gap with former President Trump in the 2024 election rematch. A survey that went viral on Sunday indicated Trump topping his Democratic successor by six points in a head-to-head match-up and by nine points in a five-candidate ballot that included Democrat turned independent contender Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Green Party candidate Jill Stein and progressive professor Cornel West. The CNN poll conducted by SSRS was instantly used as evidence by pundits – and as ammunition by Trump and his team – of the waning of the perceived polling bump the president enjoyed coming out of his well-regarded and aggressive State of the Union address in early March – when he went for the jugular in primetime with numerous salvos fired at his Republican predecessor.
  5. The head of a major Iranian university reportedly offered scholarships to students expelled from U.S. and European universities over anti-Israel protests broiling with antisemitism. Wonder no more where the root of the hate and terror is located... muslims hate and if not the jews then everybody else...
  6. Speaking of more truth... More importantly, there is a stark difference in the quality of the jobs added under both presidents. Compared to pre-COVID-19 levels, a little over 2 million full-time jobs have been added under Biden, along with more than 1.18 million part-time jobs. As I already noted, in Trump’s first three years, total employment rose by 6.33 million, but unlike with Biden, nearly all of those jobs were full-time positions. Part-time employment increased by just 17,000 jobs from January 2017 to January 2020, less than 1% of the total number of added jobs.
  7. yes... very peaceful... Guns confiscated from anti-Israel protesters at UT Austin, University of South Florida
  8. joe is on the job... hahahaha... they are trying to decide which side is going to garner them the most votes... decision to come before November
  9. You would know... personal experience I'm sure.
  10. Just proves once again... when the federal government gets involved in any venture it is doomed to become a expensive failure.
  11. Yes... I am sure that everybody else created the problem for you and you were helpless in straightening it out before you were forced to come here.
  12. No... he doesn't have the mental facilities to come up with anything better than the banal liberal left everyday labels.
  13. Ah, yes, to the liberal left cult, facts are known as 'conspiracy'.. unless, of course, the facts conform to their bias. Then facts are, once again, believable...
  14. You haven't asked a question worth answering yet... what is the question?
  15. "President Obama was a very eloquent politician and a lot of what he said sounded great. When he was campaigning to run for president, when he was campaigning to try to pass Obamacare, he made some great promises. All of that sounded great. Here's the problem. Every single one of those promises was a lie."
  16. Again so many words to say so litte... hahaha... nobody reads all your dribel... it's tedious at best... boring at least.
  17. You mean like you and the rest of the haters when they display their TDS
  18. Again showing your ignorance of the judicial system... google first... post after... then you don't seem as stupid.
  19. You mean like you and tug and the rest of the haters do on a daily basis... but that's ok because it is trump who we all know deserves it more than anybody ever in the world.
  20. What? Another californian who cannot do the math to arrive at a comparison figure... doesn't matter if it's 30,000 or 100 times if there is no total tries figure factored in... 30,000 out of 300,000 is 10% of the time... 20 out of 100 is 20% of the time... who is the most prolific liar? Yes... I know it can confuse you.
  21. As usual you failed to see the entire picture... politicians on both sides of the aisle lie and tell half truths equally
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