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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. So you think the world is sick... there are sick people in the world like you... but all in all the majority are pretty good people.
  2. First off... when has he ever said that he would support a national abortion ban... he specifically just stated that it is a state issue to be dealt with at the state level... quit making things up and stating them as fact... it's called lying.
  3. The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) banned transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports on Monday.
  4. If the HILL weren't so biased they would not be confused where trump stands... he stands for abortion being a state issue without federal interference either way.
  5. Any other questions about the hate and terror coming from muslims... it's in the DNA
  6. These are not wildfires... they are the result of arson by the locals.
  7. Not withstanding everything that you say... there still is no evidence that "the majority of men are not good to their wives"... not one of your sources says that any of this behavior is in the MAJORITY... in fact it is in the MINORITY... the real world truth is that the majority of men are good to their wives... but nobody would read that headline... go peddle your nonsense somewhere else.
  8. How about a reality check... try to find the problem rather than attacking the source... Hamas defector tells pro-Palestinian activists they belong in 'a mental asylum' in brutal debate | Fox News
  9. Yeah you did... read your post... right there it states... and I quote... "the majority of men aren't good to their women"
  10. Actually... if you take the high death rate out of equation... Thailand is a safer country to drive in than most other countries in the world... there are fewer actual accidents per 100,000... the extremely high death rate which is a phenomenon all its own due to many factors but mostly related to the shear number of motorcycle riders and lack of enforcement for helmets and traffic flow... skews the figure to paint Thailand as being a more horrible place to drive... so peddle your drivel somewhere else.
  11. The pilot will never be heard from again... the government will see to that.
  12. The best deflection by the HATEFUL is to disparage your source... only their sources are reliable after all.
  13. I know that you won't read this source since it is the dreaded faux news... but the article is from the son of one of the founding leaders of hamas and warrants some consideration since he had an inside track for many years... Hamas defector tells pro-Palestinian activists they belong in 'a mental asylum' in brutal debate | Fox News
  14. If I thought that he could learn to use it... I would buy it for him.
  15. Here's a novel idea... if you are going to get so sheetfaced as to not remember how many beers or drinks that you have... pay as you go... for all you Thai bashers... tabs are run up all over the world... usually far greater than the extra 200 baht that may have been added in this case.
  16. It's people like him who will never understand... don't waste your breath.
  17. No you didn't... cite means quote... I have read many of the authors that you are supposedly in tune with and have never read where they support "Majority of men aren't good to their women" as you have falsely claimed... you made it up... your broad brush stroke to paint the "majority of men" as abusive to women is hyperbole at best and an outright lie... maybe in your infinite wisdom you can reread your library and this time pay attention to the facts.
  18. The liberal left never let facts get in the way of their opinions...
  19. Mine neither... it's the lowlifes who assume that and it is the only way they can meet women... more than insulting but understandable given their lack of brains.
  20. Bullpucky... Just cite one source out of all the crap that you claim to have read or retract that statement... you need help.
  21. As opposed to your lowlife type that think assault and battery is the proper response... you are an idiot.
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