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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Wait for it... here come the victim blamers who contend that these girls knew what they were doing and it's their fault that they got assaulted because he didn't put them in handcuffs or lock them up.
  2. I do not advocate violence at any time especially from a man to a woman... however it was refreshing to see her get her due reward for being the ash that she is... revoke her visa for assaulting him and deport her.
  3. Ask all the brit expats who live here rather than deal with the brit slags in UK
  4. I didn't realize that entitled british slag was a religion...
  5. Ah... and you continue to wait for yours... so sad... not even a one hitter yet.
  6. He gets his opinions from the NYTimes...
  7. Yes... it is time to wipe out the mostly peace loving jews and other peaceful people and give rise to the loving, peaceful muslims... oh wait.
  8. This is Asia... the only reason for sidewalks is to have a parking spot for motorcycles
  9. Blinken is powerless... joe won't let him cut off his 10%
  10. That's all he ever offers and expects that we accept his opinion as fact...
  11. Faux is as dodgy as your NYTimes... just on opposite ends of perception.
  12. DISINFORMATION... that's a typical non response to someone else's perception when it doesn't support your narrative... what sources do support your narrative... I'll wait.
  13. "If you say who fact checks the fact checkers, you've fallen for the right wing propaganda." This is exactly what you said... so you believe that fact checking the fact checkers is right wing propaganda instead of common sense.
  14. I understand English perfectly well... maybe it's the way that you use it that's the problem.
  15. Now I KNOW... somewhere along the way you have lost your way... the "Guardian" is so far left that they can't even say russia without being ill... the "Guardian" mission statement The Guardian... Latest US news, world news, sports, business, opinion, analysis and reviews from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice.
  16. Yes you are the reason that this kind of human degrading and trafficking has become so prolific... keep up the good humanitarian work.
  17. And if you say that not fact checking the fact checkers is the way to go... well... just plain stupid and naive.
  18. So only your opinion pieces are factual... typical liberal thought process... unfortunately for the forum that is your level on here.
  19. Atrue believer in bidenomics... 555... I you are losing on every unit and you sell more units... you are not making anything "up"... you are losing more... subsidies are the reappropriation of moneys taken from the citizens to support a failed state program... it is not profit.
  20. Beachlover still is butt hurt because the Jews were given a place to live in 1948... he is of the ilk that would be happy had they all been slaughtered during WWII... he thinks that he and his ilk is the victim... actually they are the victim of their deep down hate that festers within them.
  21. I wonder how much this unknown source was bribed... uh paid... to write this
  22. Yep... totally his fault for waiting for the walk signal before he crossed... the taxi has the right of way and permission to run a red light... BLAME THE VICTIM
  23. Next time copy and paste rather than writing your own... you won't look so stupid then.
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