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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. You do not understand that there is a context issue... one way is to point out the shortcomings of Thailand (any country for that matter) in a constructive manner and offering opinions on how to make things better... then there is the relentless bashing of the people of Thailand with no core meaning other than to deride them... there is a difference.
  2. Disney-DeSantis settlement humiliates past pro-Disney headlines: Media 'as usual' were wrong... this is your go to sources for your "information"... HAHAHAHA
  3. Biden's Palestine pier project is a disaster waiting to happen
  4. Orlando Magic star Jonathan Isaac joined in on ripping the president, saying on X, formerly Twitter, the White House "know[s] exactly what they are doing." "They want you to hate! This helps no one and only promotes division," he wrote. "They know exactly what they are doing.. we should be angry but shouldn’t lose the spirit of what tomorrow means! Don’t lose focus. Because He is risen there is hope for all."
  5. Your TDS is out of control... there was no mention of trump in the OP... joe has been in office for over three years... when does he take responsibility... not everything in the world is trumps fault.
  6. Oregon tried it... it has proven to be a complete and utter failure... Go canada
  7. Muslims are about hate and terror... nothing else has come out of their society ever.
  8. This is NOT about trump... your TDS is off the charts... this is about your pathetic hero joe and his pandering to the LBQIYTDJ perverts.
  9. You would... but then again you are bigoted when it comes to Thailand.
  10. You call it fishing... is it not permissible to "investigate" your hero?
  11. Isn't Thai IT a wonderful thing... much like the upgrades on this forum that eliminated most all of the good easy to use things... ie "top of page"... "delete for notifications"... etc
  12. "Like the snake sheds its skin living for a while in another one, man strips himself from opinions gathered up until a certain age, developing others." - Mariana Fulger www.wisesayings.com/snake-quotes/?sm=50370#50370
  13. Hamas is a muslim hate and terror organization... they even terrorize the Palestinians
  14. You will find many "non-paying tenants" here as well... many of them speak the King's English too.
  15. That's what Thai bashing gets you... if you hate it here so much go somewhere else... Thai bashing is so childish.
  16. Right now and in the foreseeable future more people will die in Thailand from the smoke and pollution problem rather than any disease.
  17. Orlando Magic star Jonathan Isaac joined in on ripping the president, saying on X, formerly Twitter, the White House "know[s] exactly what they are doing." "They want you to hate! This helps no one and only promotes division," he wrote. "They know exactly what they are doing.. we should be angry but shouldn’t lose the spirit of what tomorrow means! Don’t lose focus. Because He is risen there is hope for all."
  18. Doing nothing is joe's go to... he has been on the wrong end of every foreign relations decision for the last 50 years
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