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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. It's not racist... unlike the western world where everything has become about race with their small minds... What Does 'Farang' Mean in Thai & Should I Be Offended? (thethailandlife.com) Maybe it's your small minded lack of respect that's the issue.
  2. What a loser argument... if your stats teacher gave an F it explains why you cannot do the math... 1+1=2 in the real world.
  3. Then you CANNOT buy land by definition... you can PAY for it however... not the same if you want to split hairs.
  4. These foreigners working on construction need work permits and the wage has nothing to do with permission to work... in your mind this should make it OK for any visitor to work at any job anywhere they choose... right. Sorry... I don't see the connection between the two.
  5. What facts are you dealing with? I am handicapped and I travel and I have always been accommodated... those are facts.
  6. "Has anyone planted land with trees as an investment? If so what part of Isaan and what type of trees are being planted. Am thinking of buying land so local price in your area would be god to know. Thank you in advance" I could only go by what facts you supplied in your obviously lousy worded OP... sorry.
  7. That's not what I said or proposed at all... it isn't about equity criminal rates... it's about absolutely more crime because of illegal immigrants... actual number of crimes... go back and read it.
  8. Not really... but what you said is true in the context that the accident would not have happened with that particular individual as you so simplified it... it's not about whose fault it is... the number of "accidents" or in the case of illegal immigration, the number of crimes would be reduced... it doesn't matter if native born are committing crimes as well... that's another deflection.
  9. That's ridiculous... that's excusism... your claim that Israel is committing genocide is a false assumption which renders the excuse null and void.
  10. OK enough... you keep posting sources that use the term "more likely"... this is not about "equity crime" as the liberal left likes to claim... the fact is that if there were no illegals to factor into the equation there would be fewer crimes being committed... use your charts and graphs... add up all the crimes committed by every group... get a total... THEN subtract out the crime committed by illegal aliens... IS THAT NUMBER NOT SMALLER??? Plus all your equity crime statistics do not even factor in the big crimes caused by illegal immigration... the trafficking of humans and drugs.
  11. I wonder why NO OTHER ARAB COUNTRY wants them... ???
  12. I just quoted from your source... if you could read it... it is after all the very first paragraph.
  13. Another blog that omits facts to fit their narrative... limited to Texas who admits that they don't have all of the data necessary to arrive at a conclusion... we lack even basic information on fundamental questions regarding undocumented immigrants and crime. This stems largely from data constraints.
  14. First paragraph from "data" collected in one state (Texas)... Despite its centrality to public and political discourse, we lack even basic information on fundamental questions regarding undocumented immigrants and crime. This stems largely from data constraints.
  15. You have to ask... read even your biased news sources concerning human and drug trafficking... criminality is deep rooted in illegal immigration... it isn't just the number of illegal criminals and terrorists coming into the USA... it's the system that allows this to continue to go on that is the crime.
  16. If you could keep up with current events... you would have plenty of sources for the information that you seek so diligently... 555
  17. So it's about who's the biggest liar? Well that is subjective and depends on whether or not you have TDS doesn't it... let's compare lies... that's too funny.
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