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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. You don't read the posts by the ev zealots do you... perspective is a funny thing... if you are skewed in one direction or another... anything out of your center of vision is also skewed.
  2. Hence the "sacrifice" part of the equation... does Israel have the fortitude to allow it if it means getting rid of Hamas once and for all
  3. As bad as it is the villagers see burning as survival... what alternatives have they been offered by their leaders? NONE Rule by edict never works... just ask joe.
  4. "part of a province-wide upgrade."... Upgrade does not translate in Thai... ie when this forum does an "upgrade"
  5. can i fly in without interrogation/deportation? First of all a few questions at Immigration is not an "interrogation"... secondly, if you are a criminal or immigration visa abuser deportation is a fitting end.
  6. Here is a simplified explanation... US Expat Taxes in Thailand: Your CPA-Approved 2024 Guide (brighttax.com)
  7. Gangs in Thailand... who would have thought? 555
  8. Then exactly where would you be able to post your dribble?
  9. Sacrifice of the hostages and full scorched earth attack is what may be needed to rid the earth of hamas and the terror and hate that they hold so dear to them... according to the son of one of the leaders they still live in the 7th century and have no desire to become civilized.
  10. Joe has been wrong in every foreign policy decision that he has ever made... why stop now.
  11. If you had read the entire requirements page from the website that you sourced you would have your answer... *These documents must be certified by a Notary Public and certified true signature of the notary public by the Secretary of State.
  12. This is a by-product of social media and the need for sensationalism.
  13. Why Can't I Poop Myths and Facts About Constipation
  14. This is a prime example of the reliability (unreliability) of the posters on this forum... the truth is now available and has been available for some time now... but there are still posters who do not have the time to read the sources before they insist on commenting... usually are totally wrong with their comments and never return to apologize or admit that they are wrong.
  15. Not one of you has suggested a way to carry unfolded bills... I use a money belt... what do you use... do you just stuff them in your ass or what?
  16. Heck NO... why would you do that... oh wait... in order to stay relevant comes to mind.
  17. Never heard of repurposing??? But nah... not for me... eating at a restaurant that is using pallets for tables and slimy buoys for seating is totally for the other people.
  18. says the two brits who have never had 2 stacks of hundred dollar bills between them ever.
  19. You can bring $20k into Thailand without declaring... be aware that you are only allowed $10k upon leaving the USA without declaring. Nope
  20. Yes... go ahead and put them in a man bag or backpack... now they are at risk of becoming missing during scanning at the airports for sure... when I go through airport scanning with any cash I have it in a money belt or in my hand... they cannot refuse to let you carry it in your hand.
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