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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. The perverts are out with their comments victim blaming the women... it is never OK to touch someone without their permission... and the whataboutism is childish... if you are assaulted and offended by the "ladies" touching you then do something about it... but my guess is that you crave it.
  2. "But is the kingdom ready to seize this opportunity and pave its way towards self-sufficiency?" NO
  3. GET OVER IT... being Thai in Thailand has it's perks... right or wrong... do you feel slighted
  4. NO... just thought it was a tasteless post on your part... but let's keep the national identity issue forefront in order to excuse their bad behavior.
  5. Probably not... but if they are then send them home too... what's your beef?
  6. No to a disabled person having to travel with someone else... yes to a disabled person who cannot care for himself having to travel with a caregiver... it is not the job of airline personnel to provide special care. This traveler was probably trying to get the reaction from the airline by showing up and demanding that the airlines be responsible for caring for him... his friends all refused as a grandstand move to pressure the airlines... he was setting himself up as the "VICTIM" of the rules in place that he thought were demeaning to him rather than the rules being for the safety of everyone on board.
  7. I do not think that that is the case at all... House passes bill that could ban TikTok in the U.S., sending it to the Senate (nbcnews.com)
  8. That's on you... not the Thai people... change how you feel.
  9. At least they are fighting for a reason... unlike the hooligans in other countries... ie UK
  10. There are many top notch beach hotels in the Philippines... Olongapo is not the best place to find them... try Cebu... Dusit Thani Mactan Cebu Resort
  11. Did you mean "unusually" rich... not "usually"... it helps to proof read... 555
  12. It is NOT discrimination to require those that require special care to provide it by traveling with a caregiver... this was a setup by a handicapped person who felt slighted because the airlines did not and would not provide him special treatment as he so thought he deserved. I am handicapped and I follow the rules and have never been denied boarding and have always been treated well... you get back what you put forth... the victim mentality is sickening.
  13. It is NOT discrimination to require those that require special care to provide it by traveling with a caregiver... this was a setup by a handicapped person who felt slighted because the airlines did not and would not provide him special treatment as he so thought he deserved. I am handicapped and I follow the rules and have never been denied boarding and have always been treated well... you get back what you put forth... the victim mentality is sickening.
  14. It's been a rigged system for ages... whataboutism is your only response I see... TDS
  15. How many times have you sued for the bad revues?
  16. That's because patrons of those places that are terrible won't leave factual reviews in fear of being sued...
  17. Ridiculous... the percentage of reviews that are not the exact opinion of your customers is minuscule... I doubt very much that the reviews are made up out of thin air.
  18. So you place no value in researching and knowing what others experience in life unless it's all good...
  19. So now the first response is that the men who rape and commit sexual offences are being "banged up" and the women who are assaulted are lying... SAD In the real world proper "funding" is always required... it is not necessarily a bad thing.
  20. Another "NO ANSWER" to my question... I know that they understand the math... my question is WHY? ANSWER... because they manipulate the data to fit their agenda and fool the people into believing whatever is the flavor of the day... they have ulterior motives that reflect where they want the economy and their profits to be and need to downplay the rocking of the boat... TRANSITORY inflation is affecting the way of life for millions of Americans as they are being mislead... much like NZ
  21. Damages caused by the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests were estimated to cost $2 billion, a number that could "still go higher," according to a February 2021 report published on the World Economic Forum's website.
  22. ***FLAME REMOVED BY MODERATOR ***.. you just do not want to read and comprehend anything that does not fit your narrative do you... Damages caused by the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests were estimated to cost $2 billion, a number that could "still go higher," according to a February 2021 report published on the World Economic Forum's website.
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