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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Your assumption is totally skewed... they have procedures and equipment to help disabled people travel... I use them all the time... And yes the best airlines make a profit.
  2. Since you cannot buy land in Thailand I don't think your idea has much merit.
  3. yes... isn't all this nationalism and protecting of jobs in Thailand just terrible... after all it's their country BUT you "woke" folk know what's best.
  4. Don't you mean... there goes the liberal media distortion... "Donald Trump said that a bloodbath would happen to the American auto industry if Biden kept on promoting Chinese made EVs. He of course is 100 percent correct. All other reporting about his ‘bloodbath’ comment is complete propaganda. The media should be ashamed."
  5. So you can NOT afford to retire in Thailand... 555
  6. Isn't it just terrible that there are consequences for bad behavior?
  7. What he actually said... “I don’t know if you call them people,” he said at a rally near Dayton, Ohio. “In some cases they’re not people, in my opinion. But I’m not allowed to say that because the radical left says that’s a terrible thing to say.” He was referring to the high concentration of criminals associated with illegal immigrants.
  8. HAHAHAHAHA... you haven't traveled much... but I agree that most of what you are stating is "complete bull excrement"
  9. No... we were talking about Pence and you deflected to trump... TDS is a serious disease.
  10. What's your point ... there are bad actors on both sides... why not point your fingers at them as well? Menendez comes to mind... right? Rather than spend your energy fighting your TDS... fight for a less corrupt government.
  11. Pence... another career politician that has accomplished nothing for the American people... good riddance.
  12. HAHAHA... he has a warped view and paints all farang with a broad brush... rather than looking for and dealing with the real issue he chooses to point his finger at the very small segment of the criminals that come to THAILAND... by the way... they come here because it is easier to be a criminal in THAILAND.
  13. No... but the question is which lying politician do you trust... 555
  14. Very much like the latest AI as proved by Google... GARBAGE IN-GARBAGE OUT
  15. Typical response when faced with facts that do not fit your narrative... DEFLECT
  16. Yes... let's put the blame on the real culprit in this worldwide travesty... if guns were never manufactured then the violence would all go away... 555 Oh wait... there was plenty of violence before guns... I wonder if the real problem might just be the "BAD ACTORS" of the world.
  17. I make a list of the companies employing pop up ads... in order to make sure that I do not use them for anything... when do you think that the forum will return to a more friendly use... like discarding notifications... and return to top page... oh wait the pop ups need that space.
  18. Well someone has to be the bread winner for all the draft dodgers
  19. I thought it was a inherent right for Thais to park anywhere any time even on the right of way... especially if they were seeking nourishment.
  20. My hand is more enthusiastic and talented than any prostitute... but it does charge more... so there's that.
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